Issue - meetings

Henry Simmonds PH, 4 Wrotham Road, Borough Green

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Area 2 Planning Committee (Item 67)

67 Henry Simmonds PH, 4 Wrotham Road, Borough Green pdf icon PDF 49 KB

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The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Services and the Director of Central Services advised of representations received for an Article 4 Direction to be served restricting such ‘permitted development’ in circumstances where the Secretary of State, or the appropriate Local Planning Authority, considered it expedient that development should not be carried out unless permission was granted for it on application.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1 of the Constitution Councillor Taylor proposed the suspension of committee procedure rules to allow public speaking, particularly a representative of Wrotham Parish Council. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Sayer and it was:


RESOLVED:  That public speaking on behalf of Wrotham Parish Council and the applicant‘s agent for application TM/14/03560 (later on the agenda), be allowed.


Careful consideration was given to the merits of an Article 4 Direction against the tests set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 as amended (TCPGPDO) and also in the context of prevailing planning policy and other material planning considerations.   Given these considerations it was the opinion of Officers that the permitted development rights should not be restricted as to do so would be against national statute as expressed in the TCPGPDO and contrary to the prevailing policy position.  There were no overriding matters that weighed significantly against those considerations.


It was also confirmed that the public house had not been added to the register of Assets of Community Value.


RESOLVED:  That the Borough Council should not seek to restrict the permitted development rights granted in respect of the change of use of the existing Henry Simmonds Public House to retail use. 


[Speakers:  Mr P Gillin - Wrotham Parish Council and Mr G Morris – agent]