Issue - meetings

Update of Anti-Fraud Policies

Meeting: 17/02/2015 - Council (Item 12)

12 Update of Anti-Fraud Policies pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Item CB 15/4 referred from Cabinet minutes of 3 February 2015


Item CB 15/4 referred from Cabinet minutes of 3 February 2015


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute CB 15/4 be approved.

Meeting: 03/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Update of Anti-Fraud Policies pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation gave details of the outcome of a review of the Anti-Fraud Policies of the Council.  A number of changes had been highlighted which were recommended for adoption and details of some further drafting amendments identified by the Audit Committee on 26 January and Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 27 January 2015 were noted.


RECOMMENDED:  That the Council approve the following:


(1)            the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy subject to the amendment of paragraph 4.12 regarding declaration of gifts or hospitality to be consistent with the Constitution;


(2)            the Housing and Council Tax Benefit Anti-Fraud Policy subject to deletion of the reference to ‘Here and Now’ in paragraph 5.2 and to an explanation of the removal of paragraph 5.6 regarding the Investigation Manager’s quarterly report on the outcome of referrals; and


(3)            the Council Tax Reduction, Discounts and Exemptions Anti-Fraud Policy subject to the corresponding removal of paragraph 5.6 regarding circulation of a quarterly report on the outcome of referrals.

*Referred to Council