Issue - meetings

Tonbridge High Street - Phase 1

Meeting: 30/03/2015 - Joint Transportation Board (Item 3)

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The joint report of the Head of Transportation (KCC) and the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on progress with the proposed highway development of Tonbridge High Street, including the 20mph Traffic Regulation Order.  The Board commended the county officers for the briefing provided to local County and Borough Councillors and the level of public engagement undertaken through exhibitions, advertisement in the local press, publication on both TMBC and KCC websites, personal visits to approximately 100 businesses in the High Street affected by the proposed scheme as well as the provision of business surgeries. 


In addition, it was noted that comments made at a meeting with representatives of the Tonbridge Town Team or received from members of the public at the exhibition at Tonbridge Castle or the library or via the websites, had provided information on a wide range of issues.  Details of the County Council’s response to these comments were set out in Table 1 of the report.  In response to concerns expressed by Members about the lack of provision of on-street disabled parking bays within the High Street, the county officers offered to investigate whether areas provided for loading and unloading of goods could be time restricted so that these could also be used, at certain times, by blue badge holders.  The report identified a number of additional areas for improvement for Tonbridge town centre which would be explored in Phase 2 of the Scheme. 




(1)          the results of the public engagement be noted;


(2)          the High Street scheme and the 20mph speed limit proposals be progressed to detailed design and implementation and construction programmed to commence in late July 2015; and


(3)          the Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit in the High Street area to 20mph be made as advertised.