Issue - meetings

Planning Reforms Update

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Planning and Transportation Advisory Board (Item 16)

16 Planning Reforms Update pdf icon PDF 67 KB


(Report of Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health)


Members were provided with an update on the Government’s ongoing programme of planning reforms, further amendments to national policy on affordable housing contributions and future proposals for further reforms.


Particular reference was made to revisions to the National Planning Practice Guidance in respect of small scale affordable housing contributions and the successful challenge in the High Court which had judged that the Government had acted inappropriately by introducing changes in the form of a Ministerial Statement.


In the circumstances the amendment to the Borough Council’s adopted Policy CP17 in the Local Development Framework, agreed by Cabinet on 24 March, to adopt a new threshold of 5 dwellings for the securing of affordable housing contributions for proposed developments in the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty only should also be reversed. 


Following consideration by the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation resolved that:


(1)              the content of the report be noted; and


(2)             Policy CP17, as adopted in the Tonbridge and Malling Local Development Framework Core Strategy (September 2007) be reinstated.


Decision Notice D150063MEM


The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on the Government’s ongoing programme of planning reforms, further amendments to national policy on affordable housing contributions and future proposals for further reforms.


Particular reference was made to revisions to the National Planning Practice Guidance in respect of small scale affordable housing contributions and the successful challenge in the High Court which had judged that the Government had acted inappropriately by introducing changes in the form of a Ministerial Statement.


In the circumstances the amendment to the Borough Council’s adopted Policy CP17 in the Local Development Framework, agreed by Cabinet on 24 March, to adopt a new threshold of 5 dwellings for the securing of affordable housing contributions for proposed developments in the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty only should also be reversed. 


It was also reported that in May the Queens Speech had set out the Government’s priorities for new legislation for the current Parliament.  The most relevant for planning was the Housing Bill which would extend the Right to Buy to Housing Association tenants in England, the remaining provisions for implementing the Right to Build and the Starter Homes Initiative.


Finally, Members were advised of recent changes to Planning Policy for Traveller Sites and the removal of key words from the definitions of gypsies and travellers.  An external consultant was reviewing the changes and further detail would be provided at the next meeting of the Advisory Board.




(1)              the content of the report be noted; and


(2)             Policy CP17, as adopted in the Tonbridge and Malling Local Development Framework Core Strategy (September 2007) be reinstated.