Issue - meetings

The Hearing Panel to determine whether the confidential report may be considered in public

Meeting: 04/01/2016 - Standards Hearing Panel (Item 3)

The Hearing Panel to determine whether the confidential report may be considered in public


The Hearing Panel was advised that the Hearing should be held in public unless it determined that there was a good reason to exclude the public. 


RESOLVED:  That the allegation that a member of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and of Borough Green Parish Council had breached the Codes of Conduct of those bodies be considered in public.

Meeting: 12/10/2015 - Standards Hearing Panel (Item 7)

The Hearing Panel to determine whether the confidential report may be considered in public


The Hearing Panel was advised that the Hearing should be held in public unless it determined that there was a good reason to exclude the public. 


RESOLVED:  That the allegation that a member of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council had breached the Code of Conduct of that body be considered in public.