Issue - meetings

Recycling Site Collection Vehicles

Meeting: 09/11/2015 - Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board (Item 21)

21 Recycling Site Collection Vehicles pdf icon PDF 68 KB


(Report of Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services)


The report provided details of the Council’s current arrangements for collecting glass and cans at recycling sites and outlined a proposal to extend the life of the existing collection vehicles, operated in partnership with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council under a contract with Veolia which was due to expire in February 2019. 


Following consideration by the Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board, the Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing Services resolved that:


The life of the Council’s two recycling vehicles be extended to the end of the existing Waste Services contract in February 2019.


Decision Notice D150085MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided details of the Council’s current arrangements for collecting glass and cans at recycling sites and outlined a proposal to extend the life of the existing collection vehicles, operated in partnership with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council under a contract with Veolia which was due to expire in February 2019. 


RECOMMENDED:  That the life of the Council’s two recycling vehicles be extended to the end of the existing Waste Services contract in February 2019.