28 Bulky Household Waste and Fridge/Freezer Collection Charges PDF 43 KB
Item HE 16/3 referred from Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 22 February 2016
Additional documents:
(Item HE 16/3 referred from Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board minutes of 22 February 2016)
Consideration of recommendations to the Cabinet from the Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board of 22 February 2016.
The Cabinet resolved that:
The recommendations of the Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board be approved as follows:
The charges outlined in paragraph 1.4.3 of the report be introduced with effect from 1 April 2016 and future charges and service requests be kept under review.
Decision Notice D160030CAB
3 Bulky Household Waste and Fridge/Freezer Collection Charges PDF 69 KB
Additional documents:
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services gave details of the current arrangements for collecting fridges/freezers and provided a comparison with neighbouring authorities. In accordance with Decision No D160015CAB, consideration was given to proposals for introducing charges following a review of concessions for fridges/freezers and bulky household waste collections. It was noted that overall savings arising from the introduction of the proposed charges were estimated at around £40,000 per annum. Members were assured that fly tipping would continue to be monitored closely and kept under review.
RECOMMENDED: That the charges outlined in paragraph 1.4.3 of the report be introduced with effect from 1 April 2016 and future charges and service requests be kept under review.
*Referred to Cabinet