Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest PDF 14 KB To declare any interests in respect of recommended items Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 19 May 2015 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 19 May 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
Mayor's Announcements PDF 13 KB Minutes: The Mayor reported that he had attended many events since the Annual Meeting and highlighted a number of the most memorable including the Nepalese Tonbridge Community Collection for the earthquake in Nepal which had raised over £4,500. He mentioned a private viewing of the Magna Carta Rediscovered Exhibition in Faversham, the National Care Home open day at Pilgrims View, Snodland and the Armed Forces Day flag raising at Tonbridge Castle. The Mayor also described meeting some of “the Few” at the Battle of Britain Memorial Day at Capel-le-Ferne.
The Mayor thanked the Deputy Mayor for attending several events and those Members who had been present at the Civic Service. He issued a reminder for his Garden Party at Hadlow College on 22 July and requested volunteers for the Tonbridge and Malling Council team for the Dragon Boat Race on 13 September. Notice of future events included the Tonbridge Christmas Festival on 22 November and the hosting of a performance at the Oast Theatre on 23 February 2016. Details of other events would be given nearer the dates. |
Questions from the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6 PDF 16 KB Minutes: No questions were received from members of the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6. |
Questions from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5 PDF 16 KB Minutes: No questions were received from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5. |
Leader's Announcements PDF 12 KB Minutes: The Leader welcomed new Members to their first Council meeting since the Annual Meeting. He referred to the full cycle of the new advisory boards and committees that had taken place and thanked both Members and staff for embracing the changes introduced since May.
At the meeting in April the Leader had reported on the Council’s response to the loss of Aylesford Newsprint. He indicated that whilst service delivery to residents had not been affected, the immediate financial impact of the closure was significant. In respect of paper recycling income, new arrangements had been put in place with the Council’s main waste services contractor Veolia and a report would be submitted to the new Housing and Environment Services Advisory Board.
In respect of future impact on business rate income, the Leader said Members would be aware that he had recently written to Marcus Jones, the local government minister, seeking his support for the Treasury Review to take account of unpredictable economic factors, such as the closure of Aylesford Newsprint. Due to the business size and rateable value, closure would have an extremely detrimental impact on a small local authority which was supportive of local business and invested what it could in helping grow the local economy.
The Leader reported, however, that there had been some very good news for two local businesses in winning awards at the Kent Excellence in Business Awards. Winterdale Cheesemakers in Wrotham had been successful in the Business Commitment to the Environment and congratulations were due to Robin and Carla Betts for their achievements with the business in nine years. The Kent County Football Association based in Ditton had won the Business Commitment to the Community category.
The Council was advised that 13 July marked the start of a county-wide Love Kent Hate Litter campaign that would run to the end of August. This year’s campaign would focus on road-side littering with the strap line “Have a great summer - not a rubbish one – Take Your Litter Home”. In Tonbridge and Malling, signs bearing the strapline were being placed in prominent places around the Borough to encourage people to dispose of their litter responsibly. The Leader also indicated that the impact of litter was reflected in the £1.2 million cost of street cleansing, hence the need for the message to be pressed home.
The Leader referred to the administration’s commitment to the realisation of junction 5 east facing slips, an infrastructure improvement that would do much to alleviate the air quality issues for Platt, Borough Green and Ightham and all communities along the A20. Two years ago, he was successful in lobbying the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to include such a scheme within its own strategic plan. The South East England Councils had also included the project in its ‘Mind the Gap’ transport plan for the south east. The Leader was therefore pleased to confirm the undertaking given at the last meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board that, following representations ... view the full minutes text for item C 15/53 |
Risk Management Strategy PDF 50 KB Item CB 15/40 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015 Additional documents: Minutes: Item CB 15/40 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015
RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 15/40 be approved. |
Local Code of Corporate Governance PDF 53 KB Item CB 15/41 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015 Additional documents: Minutes: Item CB 15/41 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015
RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 15/41 be approved.
Treasury Management Update and Annual Report for 2014/15 PDF 58 KB Item CB 15/42 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015 Minutes: Item CB 15/42 referred from Cabinet minutes of 24 June 2015
RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute CB 15/42 be approved.
Human Resources Strategy Update PDF 50 KB Item GP 15/12 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 29 June 2015 Additional documents: Minutes: Item GP 15/12 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 29 June 2015
RESOLVED: That the recommendations at Minute GP 15/12 be approved.
Changes to Constitution - Dismissal of Statutory Officers PDF 57 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Director of Central Services and Monitoring Officer gave details of proposed changes to the Constitution relating to the dismissal of statutory officers as required by the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.
Reference was made to the provisions regarding appointment of a panel to advise on matters relating to the dismissal of a statutory officer, including the involvement of independent persons. It was recommended that a standing panel should not be appointed but only established if and when the need arose.
RESOLVED: That the amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, as set out at Appendix 3 to the report, be approved to give effect to the requirements of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 49 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Central Services regarding the nomination of a person to serve as a Trustee of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Aylesford and the ratification of the appointment of Councillor D Davis to the Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board in place of former councillor, Mr P Homewood. Thanks were recorded to Mr Homewood for his past service.
Councillor M Base be nominated as a Trustee of the Hospital of the
Holy Trinity, Aylesford for a four year term of office;
and (2) the appointment of Councillor D Davis as a representative on the Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board be confirmed.
Sealing of Documents PDF 17 KB To authorise the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any Contract, Minute, Notice or other document requiring the same. Minutes: RESOLVED: That authority be given for the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any instrument to give effect to a decision of the Council incorporated into these Minutes and proceedings. |