Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 11th April, 2017 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


C 17/19

Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 14 KB

To declare any interests in respect of recommended items


There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

C 17/20

Minutes pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 14 February 2017


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 14 February 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

C 17/21

Mayor's Announcements pdf icon PDF 13 KB


The Mayor reported that since the last meeting he had attended a number of events throughout the Borough, including the Tonbridge Lions Dinner Dance, Tonbridge School’s Combined Cadet Force Event, the Annual Concert of 17th Tonbridge Scout and Guide Band and the LAMPS Book Launch reception and show at Tonbridge School.


More recently he had opened a new subway at Tonbridge Station, attended lunches at Tonbridge Rotary and Age UK and taken a trip around Tenterden town.


The Mayor also shared his experience of participating in a local Pancake Race and he was pleased to announce the receipt of a medal for successfully completing the course. 

C 17/22

Questions from the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6 pdf icon PDF 16 KB


No questions were received from members of the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.6.

C 17/23

Questions from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5 pdf icon PDF 16 KB


No questions were received from Members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No 5.5.

C 17/24

Leader's Announcements pdf icon PDF 12 KB


Reflecting upon the dreadful events in Westminster on 22 March 2017 where a police officer and four members of the public were killed and many more were injured, the Leader paid particular tribute to the Police but also recognised those other organisations which strived to maintain security and protect citizens.


The Leader was pleased that the Borough Council had marked its own respect to PC Keith Palmer in flying the flag at half-mast and in doing so reflected the bravery and dedication of individual police officers.  The Leader advised that Tonbridge and Malling not only maintained close liaison with the police in many routine matters but there were occasions when this was done at a strategic level and in the days following the London attack the Chief Executive represented the Borough Council in a county wide multi-agency response.


Referring to other items, the Leader announced that through the West Kent Partnership the Borough Council had recently hosted a jobs and training fair at the Angel Centre.  This had proved popular with twenty-nine employers attending and more than three hundred job seekers of all ages visiting.


The Borough Council’s track record in collecting both Council Tax and Business Rates was amongst the highest in the county.  The Director of Finance and Transformation had advised that the collection rates for the year 2016/17 were 99.03% for Council Tax and 99.19% for Business Rates. 


The Leader made particular reference to the Litter Strategy for England, published by Government on Monday 10 April 2017, and was pleased to advise that a programme within Tonbridge and Malling was highlighted as an example of best practice.  The main theme running through the Strategy was how many authorities, businesses and volunteers were using innovative new approaches to manage litter resources, educate and enforce to reduce littering.


The Larkfield Voluntary Litter Code was identified as an example of high street businesses working together to make their own high street more welcoming, thereby increasing footfall and creating vibrant shopping areas.  The Leader congratulated all involved and was pleased that the code was now being taken up by other High Street businesses and areas within the Borough.


Finally, the Leader was delighted that improvements to River Walk in Tonbridge were completed and linked the High Street at one end and the Memorial Garden at the other.  This project of externally funded investment into the town was greatly welcomed and was entirely supported from the Government’s Local Growth Fund.  The Leader also added that it was also an excellent example of joint working between the County and Borough Councils.

C 17/25

Members' Allowances pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Item GP 17/4 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 6 March 2017

Additional documents:


Item GP 17/4 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 6 March 2017. 


In presenting the recommendation for approval, the Chairman of the Committee (Councillor Baldock) proposed the following amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Coffin:


-          That the Special Responsibility Allowances for Vice-Chairmen of Committees, as set out in the first column of Annex 1 to GP 17/4 be replicated into the columns representing allowances effective after the Borough Council elections in 2019


Members voted in favour of this motion.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute GP 17/4 be approved, subject to the amendment proposed, seconded and agreed to continue Special Responsibility Allowances for Vice-Chairmen of Committees after 2019 (summarised in the schedule of Members’ Allowances attached to the Minutes)

C 17/26

Localism Act - Pay Policy pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Item GP 17/5 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 6 March 2017

Additional documents:


Item GP 17/5 referred from General Purposes Committee minutes of 6 March 2017.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute GP 17/5 be approved.

C 17/27

Sex Establishments and Sexual Entertainment Venues - Policy for 2017-2020 pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Item LA 17/4 referred from Licensing and Appeals Committee minutes of 14 March 2017

Additional documents:


Item LA 17/4 referred from Licensing and Appeals Committee minutes of 14 March 2017.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute LA 17/4 be approved.

C 17/28

Public Space Protection Order - Consultation Responses pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Item CB 17/33 referred from Cabinet minutes of 21 March 2017

Additional documents:


Item CB 17/33 referred from Cabinet minutes of 21 March 2017.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute CB 17/33 be approved.

C 17/29

Audit Committee Annual Report pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Item AU 17/18 referred from Audit Committee minutes of 3 April 2017

Additional documents:


Item AU 17/18 referred from Audit Committee minutes of 3 April 2017.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute AU 17/18 be approved.

C 17/30

Local Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Item AU 17/19 referred from Audit Committee minutes of 3 April 2017

Additional documents:


Item AU 17/19 referred from Audit Committee minutes of 3 April 2017.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendations at Minute AU 17/19 be approved.

C 17/31

Programme of Meetings 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Central Services presented a draft proposed programme of meetings for 2017/18.  Details of arrangements for the remainder of this year, for 2018 and to the commencement of the municipal year 2018/19 were set out in the annex to the report.


RESOLVED:  That the programme of meetings be endorsed, subject to any amendments following further considerations and submitted to Annual Council for final confirmation.

C 17/32

Sealing of Documents pdf icon PDF 17 KB

To authorise the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any Contract, Minute, Notice or other document requiring the same.


RESOLVED:  That authority be given for the Common Seal of the Council to be affixed to any instrument to give effect to a decision of the Council incorporated into these Minutes and proceedings.

Annex to Minute C 17/25 pdf icon PDF 42 KB