
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Guidance on the Conduct of Meetings pdf icon PDF 108 KB



Apologies for absence


Notification of Substitute Members pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 3 KB

Members are reminded of their obligation under the Council’s Code of Conduct to disclose any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests in any matter(s) to be considered or being considered at the meeting. These are explained in the Code of Conduct on the Council’s website at Code of conduct for members – Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (


Members in any doubt about such declarations are advised to contact Legal or Democratic Services in advance of the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 4 April 2024 and 22 April 2024 respectively.


Additional documents:


Any Executive Decisions which have been 'called in' pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Matters for Corporate Monitoring


Corporate Key Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 156 KB

This report provides data on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are aligned to the Corporate Strategy 2023-2027 and monitored on a quarterly or annual basis.  The data provided in this report relates to the period up to the end of June 2024.

Additional documents:

Matters for Recommendation to the Cabinet


Consultant Use at the Council pdf icon PDF 117 KB

**NOTE: Please refer to the updated version of the report and Annex 2 (Consultancy Spend) which have been published as supplements to replace the original versions due to formatting errors.**


This report presents for Members’ consideration the outcome of a review of the Council’s use of consultants, with particular focus placed on the use of external expertise, and seeks to make recommendations to the Cabinet in respect of the Council’s future use of external consultants.

Additional documents:

Matters for Decision under Delegated Powers


Scoping Report - Review of Tonbridge Community Forum pdf icon PDF 120 KB

This report sets out the request from the former Chair of Tonbridge Community Forum for a review to be undertaken in respect of the venue and operation of the Forum, including the frequency, format, venue of meetings and application criteria for the membership of the Forum.

Additional documents:

Matters for Information


Review and Procurement of IT Systems pdf icon PDF 297 KB

This report seeks to inform Members of the approach the Council adopts in reviewing and procuring IT systems and contracts.

Additional documents:


Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman - Annual Review Letter pdf icon PDF 194 KB

To set out the annual report of the Ombudsman regarding complaints received and dealt with over the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Additional documents:


Record of Decisions taken by the Executive pdf icon PDF 80 KB

The record of executive decisions taken during April to August 2024 are attached for information.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 282 KB

The Work Programme setting out matters to be scrutinised during 2024/25 is attached for information.  Members can suggest future items by liaising with the Chair of the Committee. 


Urgent Items pdf icon PDF 3 KB

Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent due to special circumstances and of which notice has been given to the Chief Executive.

Matters for consideration in Private


Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 4 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.



Urgent Items pdf icon PDF 3 KB

Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent due to special circumstances and of which notice has been given to the Chief Executive.