Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest PDF 3 KB Minutes: Councillor Bishop declared an Other Significant Interest in the item on Larkfield Leisure Centre Capital Schemes on the grounds that he was one of the Council’s appointees to the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration. |
To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board held on 9 January 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board held on 9 January 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet |
The report provides an update on planned capital works to Larkfield Leisure Centre, identifies the benefits of incorporating the replacement of the Leisure Pool Hall roof into the scheme and identifies the cost implications of such an approach. It makes recommendations to Council to enable the project to commence later this year in partnership with a selected contractor. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Management Team provided an update on planned capital works to Larkfield Leisure Centre, identified the benefits of incorporating the replacement of the leisure pool hall roof into the scheme together with the cost implications of such an approach. In introducing the report, the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services highlighted the efforts to be made to reduce the loss of income claim from the Leisure Trust; the need for a detailed risk assessment in view of recent information concerning the financial performance of the Kier Group of which the selected contractor, Kier Construction Ltd, was a trading arm; the funding shortfall and how it could be met; and the environmental considerations informing the design of the works to improve energy efficiency.
Details were given of comparative costs of undertaking the ventilation and boiler works and the roof project separately which demonstrated that the combined approach would be more cost effective and minimise the impact of closure on the customers and business of the Leisure Centre. Members were advised that the total capital and revenue cost estimate for the combined works in respect of ventilation, boilers, roof and space frame, including loss of income during the 36 week closure, amounted to £3.397m against a budget of £2.53m, resulting in a budget shortfall of £867,000.
Considerable discussion ensued and Members requested a report back to the next meeting on the risk assessment and an update on progress.
RECOMMENDED: That based on independent advice and detailed financial appraisal:
(1) the proposed scheme outlined in the report to undertake a package of works to ventilation, boilers, leisure pool hall roof and space frame at Larkfield Leisure Centre be approved;
(2) the increased cost of £867,000 be met from the Leisure Trust reserve and the Revenue Reserve for Capital Schemes and the relevant revenue and capital budgets be amended accordingly;
(3) the works be progressed to commence early October 2019 for a period of 36 weeks;
(4) liaison continue with the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust to minimise the impact of the works on customers and the loss of income claim to the Council; and
(5) officers be requested to undertake a risk assessment with respect to Kier and report back to the next meeting of the Advisory Board on 17 July 2019. *Referred to Cabinet |
Financial Planning and Control PDF 146 KB The report provides information on the Council’s key budget areas of salaries, major income streams and investment income, together with approved variations, virements and issues identified via revenue budget monitoring for the year ended March 2019 and first month of 2019/20; and for 2018/19 the Kent wide 100% Business Rates Retention pilot. The information is then aggregated to provide a provisional outturn position for 2018/19 and an indicative outturn position for 2019/20. The report also updates Members on capital expenditure and variations agreed in relation to the Capital Plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision Notice D190039MEM
The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation provided information on the Council’s key budget areas of salaries, major income streams and investment income together with approved variations, virements and issues identified via revenue budget monitoring for both the year ended 31 March 2019 and the first month of 2019/20, and for 2018/19 details of the Kent-wide 100% Business Rates Retention pilot. The information was aggregated to provide a provisional outturn position for 2018/19 and an indicative outturn position for 2019/20. The former showed a contribution to the General Revenue Reserve £35,144 less than the revised estimate after transferring an additional £400,000 and £250,000 respectively to the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust and Building Repairs earmarked reserves in recognition of recent and future cost pressures.
An update was also given on capital expenditure and variations agreed in relation to the capital plan for the year ended March 2019 and the month of April 2019.
RECOMMENDED: That the contents of the report be noted and endorsed. |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme PDF 108 KB The existing scheme for Council Tax Reduction (CTR) has existed in its current form since 1 April 2017. This report provides an update on the progress of the review and key issues raised and Members are asked, subject to a further report to the Advisory Board in July, to agree to public consultation during summer 2019. Minutes: Decision Notice D190040MEM
The report of the Director of Finance and Transformation gave an update on the progress of the review of the scheme for Council Tax Reduction which had existed in its current form since April 2017. Details were given of the key issues raised and it was noted that options for the new scheme would be presented to the next meeting of the Advisory Board prior to public consultation.
(1) the progress made and key issues being addressed in respect of the review of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2020/21 be noted;
(2) a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Advisory Board on 17 July detailing proposals and options for consideration and consultation; and
(3) subject to the content of the report in July, the proposal to go out to public consultation during summer 2019 be endorsed. |
Matters submitted for Information |
Publication of Allowances Paid to Members in Financial Year 2018/19 PDF 66 KB Publication of the Statement required in accordance with regulation 15 (3) of the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003. Additional documents: Minutes: The Advisory Board received a copy of the statement of the actual allowances paid to Members during the financial year 2018/19 which had been published in accordance with Regulation 15(3) of the Local Authorities (Members Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003. |
Matters for consideration in Private |
Exclusion of Press and Public PDF 4 KB The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information. Minutes: There were no items considered in private. |