Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning and Transportation Advisory Board - Wednesday, 4th June, 2014 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item

PE 14/16

Declarations of interest


Councillor Mrs Bellamy declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the Local Plan Progress report on the grounds that land owned by her and/or her company formed part of the Call for Sites.  She withdrew from the meeting during discussion of this item. 

PE 14/17


To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 11 March 2014


RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board held on 11 March 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to noting that Councillor N Heslop was in attendance at that meeting.

Matters for Recommendation to the Cabinet

PE 14/18

Building Control - Proposed Service Arrangements pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Decision Notice D140069MEM


The report described progress towards a proposed shared Building Control function between Sevenoaks District Council and Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and recommended that detailed joint working arrangements be developed.


Consideration of such a model reflected the Borough Council’s transformation agenda and would potentially deliver a number of service and efficiency benefits. It was reported that implementing joint working would minimise risks associated with current arrangements such as service resilience and the threat of losing market share and income.   A secure environment controlled through the governance arrangements and agreements between the two authorities could be provided.


Members were advised that the flexibility of cross boundary working could deliver improved service and provided an opportunity to offer greater expertise in a wider range of areas.


RECOMMENDED: That the establishment of a Shared Building Control Service between Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and Sevenoaks District Council be approved in principle, subject to a further report on costs being considered by the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board.

PE 14/19

Consultation on the Further Alterations to the London Plan pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D140070MEM


The report advised of the recent consultations on the Further Alterations to the London Plan, summarised some of the key issues arising and sought endorsement of the officer level comments which had been submitted to meet the April deadline.


Members noted that as the recently completed Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Tonbridge and Malling took account of inward migration from London and that, as these figures were derived from the revised Census data the London Plan was now addressing, the Borough Council had already taken into account any uplift in the figures.


An additional comment encouraging a further review of the Plan to reflect new evidence provided by the subnational population projection figures, published since the consultation finished, would be submitted.


RECOMMENDED:   That the officer level responses, set out in Annex 1 to the report, submitted to meet the April deadline be endorsed.


PE 14/20

Maidstone Borough Council Local Plan Consultations


Decision Notice D140071MEM


The report advised of the recent consultations by Maidstone Borough Council on its draft Local Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule and sought endorsement of the officer level responses submitted to meet the May deadline.


Members expressed concern regarding the potential impacts arising from any development in the vicinity of Hermitage Lane, particularly affecting the A26 junction and the air quality in Wateringbury and were pleased these concerns had been reiterated in the Borough Council’s response.


In addition, the potential difficulties and financial implications surrounding co-operation with any neighbouring authority and protecting the interests of residents were noted.


RECOMMENDED: That  the officer led responses, set out in Annex 2 to the report, be endorsed.

PE 14/21

CCTV Annual Report pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D140072MEM


The report presented for endorsement the draft CCTV Annual Report for 2013/14 which contained details of CCTV operation and statistics relating to the number and type of incidents monitored by CCTV operators.  A number of recommendations by the independent auditor and set out on page 53 of the Annual Report would be given further consideration.


Members were pleased to note that the overall operation of the service was good, with highly professional operators complying with the Code of Practice and procedural manual.   CCTV continued to be an effective tool in reducing crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime and played a key role in managing urban areas.


RECOMMENDED:  That the CCTV Annual Report for 2013/14, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be endorsed for publication.

Matters submitted for Information

PE 14/22

Local Plan Progress pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Members were updated on progress made in preparing the Local Plan.


It was reported that meetings with all the Parish and Town Councils had been concluded and officers had monitored strategic planning matters in neighbouring authorities and the Government’s ongoing planning reforms. 


Members were advised that the Local Plan was proceeding in accordance with the revised timetable presented at the March meeting of the Advisory Board.  There would be a further update meeting in July, together with a revised Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme for consideration.   There would also be an additional meeting of the Advisory Board on 25 September 2014 to consider the documentation forming part of the first major public consultation stage for the Local Plan, known as the Issues and Options stage. 


Good progress was being maintained on other aspects of the evidence base, as outlined in the report, and area based briefings would be arranged to assist Members’ understanding.

PE 14/23

Planning Reforms - Final Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) March 2014 pdf icon PDF 48 KB


Members received the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health which summarised the main changes and key issues arising from the final version of the National Planning Guidance published in March.  In addition, Members were updated on other relevant planning reform proposals since the last meeting of the Advisory Board.


Particular reference was made to the proposed introduction of a threshold for seeking Section 106 agreements for affordable housing to aid the delivery of small scale housing sites.  The rural threshold would be affected by this proposal but the number of schemes affected and the affordable housing contribution was likely to be small in the Borough.


Members also expressed concern regarding the introduction of the ‘right to build your own home’ initiative.  Under this scheme a local authority would be required to assess the level of demand and facilitate suitable building plots to meet local demand.    There was no further detail at the current time but the proposals raised a number of questions regarding the eligibility criteria, how to manage expectations in areas where interest was likely to be high and whether local authorities had the in-house resources to procure suitable sites.

PE 14/24

Transportation Update pdf icon PDF 34 KB


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on two current and significant transportation issues affecting the Borough.  These were the A21 Public Inquiry and the Kent County Council Rail Summit. 


Members were pleased to note that the A21 upgrade to a dual carriageway had been announced and it was anticipated that construction work would commence in spring 2015.  


Reference was made to the ‘direct-award’ contract with Southeastern which would run from October 2014 until September 2018.  Concern was expressed by Members regarding the award of this contact, especially as the details of the proposal would remain confidential until the contract was signed.


Members were also reminded that the Davis Commission was currently assessing the short listed options for addressing airport capacity in the south east.  It was noted that the Leaders of neighbouring authorities had written to the Davis Commission expressing their serious concerns to the airport proposals and that Kent County Council was committed to ensuring minimal disruption for West Kent. 

PE 14/25

Flood Recovery pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health set out progress on and the process for flood recovery within Tonbridge and Malling following the events over the Christmas and New Year period.  The report focused primarily on the technical matters that had been put in place and continued to emerge.


Members were pleased to note the good response to an appeal for Flood Wardens and there was now sufficient volunteers for separate Flood Warden Schemes in East Peckham and Hildenborough.


Serious debate followed on a range of issues related to flooding and Members were reassured that the Borough Council would continue to work closely with the Environment  Agency, and other key partners, in addressing flood issues and ensuring best solutions were provided.  In addition, the Environment Agency would be encouraged to work on improving the relationship with residents by ensuring effective communication continued.   Members and officers also recognised the level of impact and suffering to residents as a result of the flooding and every measure would be taken to improve defences where possible.


Finally, in response to a question regarding the secondment of the Kent Resilience/Emergency Planning Team to Kent Fire and Rescue Service, Members were assured that the Borough Council was confident that the emergency response and working relationship remained strong and effective.



Matters for consideration in Private

There were no items considered in private.