Agenda, decisions and minutes

Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board - Tuesday, 13th February, 2018 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


SSE 18/1

Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 12 KB


There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

SSE 18/2

Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 6 November 2017



RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 6 November 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet

SSE 18/3

Waste Services Contract Re-tender pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This report provides an update on key issues associated with the procurement process and partnership arrangements for the new waste services contract and set out a revised project timetable.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on the key issues associated with the procurement process and partnership arrangements for the new waste services contract.


Since the last meeting of the Advisory Board, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council had formally approved the principles of adopting the collection methods outlined in paragraph 1.1.2 of the report.  Unfortunately, Dartford Borough Council had decided to review their current service provision and had withdrawn from the joint procurement and partnership arrangement. 


Key project milestones detailed in Annex 1 to the report and summarised in paragraph 1.3.2 were noted by Members and included the closing date for tender submissions (30 April) and the conclusion of the tender evaluation period (10 June). The changes to the original timetable were as a result of the withdrawal of Dartford Borough Council and the necessity to further revise the contract specification and conditions. 


Particular reference was made to proposed changes to the length of contract and it was reported that a period of eight years plus a two year or eight year extension, with a potential for a further two year extension if an initial eight year extension was agreed, would be offered to contractors.  It was anticipated that these options for extension would offer greater flexibility in terms of aligning contracts, taking advantage of future opportunities, disposal facility options and legislative changes.


Finally, reference was made to communication with residents and the intention was to develop a detailed marketing plan which would include traditional and newer forms of reaching the public.   In recognition of Members requests for an effective communication strategy and the need for a proactive approach to marketing the new service an informal Member Liaison Group had been established to discuss the issue.  It was noted that Councillor Robin Betts and Councillor Mark Davis were also members of this Liaison Group although their names had been omitted from the membership set out in the report. 


In response to a question regarding the continuation of the bulky waste collection service, Members were advised that this element was included in the tender specification and that a final decision would be made as part of the tender evaluation process.  The positive feedback from residents regarding the bulky waste collection service and its potential contribution towards reducing fly tipping was noted.


Members also referred to the potential to reduce the number of waste vehicles due to the proposed changes for recycling and refuse collection, which included weekly food waste collection, fortnightly collection of residual waste and alternate fortnightly collection of plastics, metals, cartons and glass (mixed dry recyclate).  However, Officers advised that it was up to the contractor to decide how waste was collected and how many vehicles were used.




(1)     the withdrawal of Dartford Borough Council from the Waste Contract Partnership be noted and the resultant project timescale approved;


(2)     subject to Member comment on the draft Equality Impact Assessment, a final Equality Impact Assessment be presented to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item SSE 18/3

SSE 18/4

Environmental Health Services Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Following a recent review, the report presented the Environmental Health Services Enforcement Policy for endorsement.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D180016MEM


The report presented an updated Environmental Health Services Enforcement Policy, which took into account revisions to the Code for Crown Prosecutors and Regulator’s Compliance Code and reflected the need to liaise with the Primary Authority when enforcement action was proposed.


Currently, cost recovery for repeat offenders was not included in the Policy due to the large number of enforcement issues included under environment health.  However, Members were advised that there might be opportunity to reconsider cost recovery in the future.


RECOMMENDED:  That the updated version of the Environmental Health Services Enforcement Policy (attached at Annex 1 to the report), be endorsed. 

SSE 18/5

Car Parking Fees and Charges - Outcome of Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The report considers objections and comments received during the statutory consultation period relating to the proposed off-street parking charges.

Additional documents:


Members considered objections and comments received during the statutory consultation period related to proposed off-street car parking charges.  Responses to the consultation were set out in Annex 1 to the report. 


It was reported that the proposed increases in parking charges were considered realistic and took into account the nature of each town or village and no changes were recommended as a result of the consultation responses.


A further comment had been received from Borough Green Parish Council after the consultation deadline reiterating the point raised by Platt Parish Council that every effort should be made to ensure that it was not financially attractive for commuters to use the Western Road car park rather than the railway car park.


Notice of the proposed changes to car parking fees and charges had been advertised in the Kent Messenger as it had a significant circulation across the whole Borough.  In addition, site notices had been displayed in all the car parks.


The Cabinet Member for Street Scene and Environment Services reminded Members of the significant financial implications of placing adverts in newspapers and that the Borough Council had a responsibility to consider costs as part of the Savings and Transformation Strategy and the Medium Term Financial Strategy to avoid any impact on services.  Regular users of the car parks would have seen the notices displayed and should have been aware of the proposed changes to fees and charges.


RECOMMENDED: That car parking charges should come into effect from 1 April 2018; subject to the following actions being taken in advance of this date:


(i)     the objections to the increase in off-street parking charges, as detailed in the report, be set aside; and


(ii)    the appropriate Traffic Regulation Order be made to facilitate the variation of the off-street parking charges


*Referred to Cabinet

SSE 18/6

Former Joco Pit - Landfill Gas Investigation pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The report outlines the process being taken to investigate landfill gas levels at the former Joco pit and sought endorsement of this approach.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D180017MEM


The report outlined the process being taken to investigate landfill gas levels at the former Joco pit in Borough Green.  It was noted that increased gas levels at one borehole, recorded in mid-2017, had not stabilised and further investigation was necessary to identify the level of potential risk.


An external consultant had been commissioned to advise the Borough Council and carry out works, which included the drilling and monitoring of 8 additional boreholes.  These would be installed with continuous gas analysers to provide data for 1 month.  The site would then be spot monitored weekly for a further 2 months and the data used to produce an up to date and adequate risk assessment for the site.  It was anticipated that monitoring would commence by the end of February for a period of 3 months.


Members were pleased to note that following positive drop-in sessions with residents a sufficient number of homeowners had volunteered to have boreholes placed on their properties.


It was also noted that the Audit Committee of 22 January 2018 had recommended that the emergence of a new strategic risk in respect of contaminated land be noted and considered for inclusion in the Strategic Risk Register.  (Minute Number AU 18/3 refers) 


RECOMMENDED: That the approach set out in the report, and summarised above, be endorsed to enable further investigation and risk assessment to be undertaken immediately.


Matters submitted for Information

SSE 18/7

'Regulating our Future' pdf icon PDF 57 KB

The report sets out proposed changes to the delivery of food safety regulations by the Food Standards Agency.


The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health advised that since February 2016 the Food Standards Agency (FSA) had been consulting with consumers, food businesses and other stakeholders to develop their future approach to food regulation in England.  The plan was to deliver a new regulatory model for food safety by 2020.  


The new proposals as outlined in the report were noted by Members.

SSE 18/8

Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 28 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.


There were no items considered in private.