Agenda, decisions and minutes

Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board - Monday, 11th February, 2019 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


SSE 19/1

Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 3 KB


There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

SSE 19/2

Minutes pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 5 November 2018



RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 5 November 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet

SSE 19/3

Waste Services Contract pdf icon PDF 164 KB

The report provides an update on the new Waste Services Contract starting on 1 March 2019 and the introduction of new recycling services commencing from 30 September 2019.  It also seeks approval of proposals relating to the Mobilisation Arrangements, an Operational Marketing Plan and a Domestic Recycling & Waste Collection Policy & Procedure Statement and highlights the Government’s recently published new Resources & Waste Strategy.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D190003MEM


The Advisory Board welcomed Mr Mark Pigott, Business Development Manager and Mr Dan Dibdin, Contract Manager for Urbaser, who gave a presentation on work undertaken in preparation for the Waste Services Contract.  Members asked a number of detailed questions relating to staffing, green waste collections and the new services to be provided across the Borough.


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on the implementation of the new Waste Services Contract from 1 March 2019 and the introduction of the new recycling services from 30 September 2019.  The report sought approval of proposals relating to the Mobilisation Arrangements, an Operational Marketing Plan and a Domestic Recycling and Waste Collection Policy and Procedure Statement for the new Service.  In response to comments regarding wheeled bins being left on the public highway, officers advised that a pragmatic approach was taken to enforcement and that the wording of Section 5 of Annex 2 to the report would be reviewed and clarified as appropriate.


In addition, the report advised that the Government had recently published a new Resources and Waste Strategy and that consultations would be undertaken on Extended Producer Responsibility, Deposit Return Schemes and Consistent Collections from January 2019.  




(1)          the Mobilisation Arrangements for the new Waste and Recycling Service, as outlined in the report, be approved;


(2)          the draft Operational Marketing Plan, as detailed at Annex 1 to the report, be agreed and implemented;


(3)          subject to a review of Section 5 to reflect the comments expressed about enforcement action taken where wheeled bins cause an obstruction, the Domestic Recycling and Waste Collection Policy Procedure and Statement for the new Service, as detailed at Annex 2 to the report, be agreed; and


(4)               the Partnership Manager submit an Annual Service Delivery Plan to a future meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board.

SSE 19/4

Public Conveniences Review pdf icon PDF 154 KB

The report updates Members on the agreed way forward regarding the future provision of the Council’s existing public conveniences and seeks approval of an Equality Impact Assessment.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D190004MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on the agreed way forward regarding the future provision of the Council’s existing public conveniences and sought approval of an Equality Impact Assessment.




(1)          the update on the way forward regarding the provision of public conveniences be noted and the Equality Impact Assessment, as attached at Annex 2 to the report, be approved; and


(2)          subject to the outcome of the recommendation at (1) above, the Special Expenses Policy be updated and submitted to Council for approval in readiness for implementation in the financial year 2020/21.





SSE 19/5

Fixed Penalty Notices for Littering pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The report advises on the recently amended limits for Fixed Penalty Notices for littering following last year's review by Central Government and subsequent legislation.


Following the introduction of new legislation under The Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties)(England) Regulations 2017 which came into force in April 2018, the report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services set out details of the amended limits for Fixed Penalty Notices for Littering.




(1)          the Council’s revised charge for Fixed Penalty Notices for littering offences be set at £100 from 1 April 2019;


(2)          a revised early payment charge (within 10 days) for Fixed Penalty Notices for littering offence be set at £65 from 1 April 2019; and


(3)          the proposed approach to updating existing signage, as set out a paragraph 1.3.3 of the report, be approved. 

*Referred to Cabinet


Matters submitted for Information

SSE 19/6

Waste and Street Scene Services Update pdf icon PDF 149 KB

The report highlights a number of issues and initiatives managed by the Waste & Street Scene Services team since the last meeting of the Advisory Board.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services highlighted a number of issues and initiatives managed by the Waste and Street Scene Services team.

SSE 19/7

Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 4 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.


There were no items considered in private.