Agenda, decisions and minutes

Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board - Tuesday, 11th June, 2019 7.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling

Contact: Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


SSE 19/8

Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 3 KB


There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

SSE 19/9

Minutes pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 11 February 2019



RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board held on 11 February be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

SSE 19/10

Overview of Services Areas pdf icon PDF 3 KB

As part of the induction for new Members, Service Heads will give a short overview of their service areas either at the beginning of the meeting or before introducing their respective reports on the agenda. 


As part of the induction process for new Members, Service heads gave a short overview of their service areas before introducing their respective reports on the agenda.

Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet

SSE 19/11

Waste Services Contract pdf icon PDF 171 KB

This report updates Members on the new Waste Services Contract which started on 1st March 2019, with the new and improved recycling services due to commence from 30th September 2019.  The report also highlights the Government’s recently published new 25 year Resources & Waste Strategy.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D190043MEM


The report provided an update on the new Waste Services Contract which had started on 1 March 2019.  The improved recycling services were due to commence from 30 September 2019 and it was anticipated that new arrangements for the bring bank service would start once these had settled in.    In addition, the Government’s recently published 25 year Resources and Waste Strategy was highlighted.


Following the Borough Council elections in May it was also considered appropriate to revisit the representation on the Member Group, which had been established to help oversee the implementation of the new waste contract.


It was reported that under the new contract recycling opportunities for residents would be greatly improved and the Borough Council was committed to recycling as much material as possible, including a variety of plastics.   The new contractor (Urbaser) was performing satisfactorily and Members welcomed the progress being made.


Particular reference was made to the opt-in garden waste service and initial registration to the ‘Early Bird Scheme’ had been very encouraging.  Based on early uptake, the Borough Council remained confident that the 30% target of all households in the Borough registering for the service could be achieved.




(1)             the representation on the Member Waste Contract Group for 2019/20 be the Chairman (Councillor Mark Davis), Vice-Chairman (Councillor Sue Bell), the Cabinet Member (Councillor Robin Betts), Councillor Georgina Thomas, Councillor Roger Roud, Councillor Des Keers and Councillor Tim Shaw;


(2)             a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Advisory Board on the Bring Bank service arrangements; and


(3)             the Kent Resource Partnership’s response to the Government’s consultation on the National Waste Resources and Waste Strategy, summarised at paragraph 1.5 of the report, be noted and updates be reported to future meetings of the Advisory Board



SSE 19/12

Priory Wood, Tonbridge - Landfill Gas Investigation pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Since 1988 TMBC has been monitoring landfill gas levels at the Priory Wood site in Tonbridge which now comprises a public open space owned and maintained by the Council.  In light of issues at the former Jocopit site in Borough Green, where increased gas levels at one borehole were recorded and which required detailed investigation, a review of the Priory Wood site was also deemed necessary.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D190044MEM


The report sought approval for detailed landfill gas investigation and risk assessment work at the Priory Wood site in Tonbridge. The site was a public open space owned and maintained by the Borough Council and regular monitoring of the site had been ongoing since 1988.  However, an in-depth review was considered necessary in light of the recent issues at the former Jocopit site in Borough Green.


Members were assured that the desktop study undertaken by the external consultants had included visits to the site together with information from the previous monitoring. 




(1)             the commencement of detailed landfill gas investigation and risk assessment work at the Priory Wood site using a suitable contractor, as set out in the report, be endorsed; and


(2)             the provision of a service contract and upgrade of the gas pump on site be endorsed. 

SSE 19/13

Environmental Health Performance 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 167 KB

This report summarises the operational activities of the Council in relation to its statutory Environmental Health functions undertaken by the Environmental Protection Team and Food and Safety Team for 2018/19.


Additional documents:


Decision Notice D190045MEM


The report summarised the operational activities of the Borough Council in relation to its statutory Environmental Health functions undertaken by the Environmental Protection and the Food and Safety Teams for 2018/19.


Members asked detailed questions related to the food safety function, such as registration of premises, safety ratings and charging for second visits, air quality monitoring and Section 61 Notices which were addressed by Officers. 


Particular reference was made to the ongoing odour issues from Drytec in Tonbridge.  It was explained that it was difficult to provide evidence that a statutory nuisance existed as the frequency of the nuisance was sporadic and irregular.  However, residents should continue to report occurrences as the Borough Council continued to investigate.


RECOMMENDED:  That the performance information related to the food and safety and environmental protection functions in 2018/19, as set out in the report, be noted and endorsed.


Matters submitted for Information

SSE 19/14

Waste Services Update pdf icon PDF 160 KB

This report highlights a number of issues & initiatives managed by the Waste & Street Scene Services team since the last meeting of this Board.


-        The Kent Resource Partnership – End Destination report (Annex 1) has been attached as a supplemental paper due to its size



Additional documents:


Details of a number of issues and initiatives managed by the Waste and Street Scene Services team since the last meeting of the Advisory Board were noted by Members.


Members were advised that the existing public convenience cleansing contract had been extended by 12 months to reflect the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in late 2018.  Meetings with individual parish and town councils were due to take place to discuss the future of facilities located in their areas and, subject to the outcome of these consultations, a further review might be necessary.


A number of points were discussed regarding the provision of public conveniences in Tonbridge and Malling.  It was noted that provision had already been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the future approach agreed. 


Particular reference was made to household waste recycling centres and the recent decision by Medway Council to exclude Kent residents from its sites at Cuxton and Capstone.   The Leader of the Borough Council swiftly made representation to both Kent County Council (KCC) and Medway Council regarding this decision and arrangements were put in place to expand the weekend bulky waste collection service.  Fortunately, as of 23 May Medway Council had changed its position and KCC residents would be able to use the sites at Cuxton and Capstone for the next 18 months.  However, all users were required to provide a form of identification that had their address on it.  This would enable Medway Council to monitor usage of the sites.


In addition, the County Council had publicly confirmed that a suitable site for a new household waste recycling centre in Tonbridge and Malling had been identified.  It had been indicated that this facility would be available to residents within 15 months, subject to planning approval. 

SSE 19/15

Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 4 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.


There were no items considered in private.