Agenda, decisions and minutes

(delayed start due to technical issues), Communities and Housing Advisory Board - Tuesday, 25th May, 2021 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Link: View Meeting

No. Item


CH 21/10

Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 3 KB

Members in any doubt about such declarations are advised to contact Legal or Democratic Services in advance of the meeting


There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

CH 21/11

Minutes pdf icon PDF 194 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 16 February 2021


RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 16 February 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet

CH 21/12

Provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points pdf icon PDF 240 KB

This report outlines a proposed phased approach to the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points in the Council’s car parks across the borough, in accordance with the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.

Additional documents:


Proposals for a phased approach for the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points in the Borough Council’s car parks were outlined.


It was reported that the proposals would support the Borough Council’s aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030 and providing the infrastructure to support electric vehicles would be instrumental in facilitating the change to greener vehicles.  The Borough Council had committed to provide electric charging points across the borough as part of the Climate Change Strategy.


A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of a number of options to consider was attached at Annex 1. In addition, a desktop assessment of the Borough Council’s car parks undertaken by UK Power Networks was attached at Annex 2.


It was also proposed that the charging points be procured directly via the Kent Commercial Services Framework Y21002 and progressed as soon as possible.  Particular reference was made to the financial implications and it was reported that the cost of the provision of the chargers was estimated at £120,000.  This would be met through a combination of the successful supplier, government grants and a contribution estimated at £40,000 from the Borough Council’s own resource.  The Kent Business Rates Pool monies held in the Business Rates Retention Scheme reserve had been identified as a potential funding stream, subject to County Council approval.




(1)             the provision of electric charging points in Borough Council car parks across the borough be progressed in accordance with the phased approach outlined in the report;


(2)             subject to an exemption from Contract Procedure Rules (to be sought from the relevant Statutory Officers), the phase one charging points be procured through the Kent Commercial Services Framework Y21002;


(3)             the phase two charging points be procured through the Kent County Council joint procurement exercise;


(4)             the phase one project be added to the Capital Plan List A for implementation in 2021/22;


(5)             the Borough Council’s contribution of £40,000 is met, subject to Kent County Council approval, from Kent Business Rates Pool monies held in the Business Rates Retention Scheme reserve; and


(6)             the budget growth of £12,000 and its impact on the Borough Council’s savings target be noted.


*Referred to Council

CH 21/13

Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020 pdf icon PDF 243 KB

This report recommends the charging of an application fee for the Council’s function to determine if a manager of a mobile home/caravan/park home site is a fit and proper person to manage the site under the Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020.


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health recommended the charging of an application fee for the Borough Council’s function to determine if a manager of a mobile home/caravan/park home site was a fit and proper person to manage the site under the Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020.


The purpose of the Regulations was to improve the standards of management of permanent residential sites that were operated on a commercial basis and only applied to relevant protected sites.


The total fee for processing an application to be included on the fit and proper person register would be set at £235 and would be reviewed annually in line with other caravan site licensing fees.   Currently, there was no requirement to introduce an annual fee for monitoring conditions attached to entries on the Fit and Proper register given the low number of caravan sites within the borough.


RECOMMENDED:  That the charging of a fee of £235 for the processing of an application to determine if the site owner/caravan site licence holder, or the person appointed by them to manage the relevant protected site, was a fit and proper person to do so and be placed on the register of fit and proper persons be endorsed.


*Referred to Council

CH 21/14

Policy on the Use of the Council's Open Spaces pdf icon PDF 217 KB

This report introduces a proposed new policy which sets out how applications made to use the Council’s open spaces will be assessed

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Central Services and the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services set out proposals for a Policy on the Use of the Council’s Open Spaces and explained how applications would be assessed.


There had been an increased level of interest about using open spaces as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, which had identified a need for an overarching policy on how applications would be assessed and managed.


The Policy also introduced an administration fee for processing applications, set out a proposed charging structure and the criteria against which a charge would be assessed.


Members supported the introduction of a Policy on the Use of Open Spaces to offer clarity to potential users.  However, it was felt that evidence of professional qualifications for certain activities should be part of the assessment criteria to provide reassurance.  In addition, Members felt that an annual fee schedule for regular activities would be beneficial.




(1)             the Policy on the Use of the Council’s Open Spaces (attached at Annex 1) be adopted, subject to consideration of:


-        there being a requirement for membership of a relevant professional association for certain activities, including professional dog walking;


(2)             administration fees and charges are introduced as detailed in the Policy, subject to consideration of


-        an annual fee schedule for regular activities being outlined


(3)             delegated authority be granted to the Cabinet Members for Finance, Innovation and Property and Community Services to consider and determine appeals; and


(4)             delegated authority be granted to the Cabinet Members for Finance, Innovation and Property and Community Services to determine fees and charges in exceptional circumstances.



*Referred to Council

CH 21/15

Housing Funding Update pdf icon PDF 133 KB

The report updates Members on funding for homelessness functions over 2020/21 and into 2021/22 and clarifies proposals to utilise additional Homelessness Prevention Grant funding received in 2021/22.

Additional documents:


(Decision Notice D210054MEM)


Members were provided with an update on funding for homelessness functions over 2020/21 and into 2021/22.  Proposals to utilise additional Homeless Prevention Grant funding received in 2021/22 were also clarified.




(1)             the additional £133,979 unbudgeted Homeless Support Grant be built into the Homelessness Reserve budget and:


(i)               £75,342 used to fund a temporary 2 year fixed term contracted post at Scale 6, which had Management Team support; and


(ii)              the remaining £63,638 additional funding be utilised to offset the Borough Council’s temporary accommodation costs.

CH 21/16

Temporary Accommodation Update pdf icon PDF 436 KB

The report provides an update on some key statistics relating to Temporary Accommodation, including the Landlord Incentive Scheme pilot

Additional documents:


(Decision Notice D210055MEM)


The report provided an update on a number of areas related to temporary accommodation, including proposals to extend the pilot Landlord Incentive Scheme, the progress of the Pembury Road project and a proposed approach to future property opportunities.




(1)             the pilot Landlord Incentive Scheme be extended for an additional 6 months (as set out in 1.3.4 of the report);


(2)             the progress on the Pembury Road temporary accommodation project be noted and the proposed Member engagement approach (as set out in 1.4.3 of the report) be endorsed; and


(3)             the proposed approach to future temporary accommodation related property opportunities, as outlined in the report, be endorsed and that it be noted that these proposals would form part of a wider report to the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board in due course.



CH 21/17

Domestic Abuse pdf icon PDF 145 KB

This report update Members on the new Domestic Abuse Act and the new duties for local authorities including TMBC.  It also makes a recommendation on the use of the new burdens funding attached to the new legislation.


(Decision Notice D210056MEM)


The report provided an update on the new Domestic Abuse Act and the new duties for local authorities, including Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council.  There was also a recommendation on the use of the new burdens funding attached to this legislation.


Reference was made to the requirement to appoint a multi-agency Local Partnership Board to support local authorities in performing certain specified functions and assessing the need for accommodation based support for all victims and their children, including cross border support.   Kent County Council would be responsible for establishing the Local Partnership Board and undertaking a needs assessment across the county.  The Borough Council were required to co-operate as far as was reasonably practicable and would have two representatives on the Local Partnership Board.




(1)             appropriate expenditure of the allocated new burdens funding (£34,242) be authorised by the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Community Services, once the domestic abuse needs assessment had been completed across Kent and further information was known.



CH 21/18

Community Safety Partnership pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is required to publish an annual plan of its work.  This gives details of the initiatives it has carried out during the previous year and details of the priorities for the forthcoming year.

Additional documents:


(Decision Notice D210057MEM)


Members received the Community Safety Partnership Plan 2021-22 (attached at Annex 1) which detailed initiatives carried out during the previous year and priorities for the forthcoming year.


RECOMMENDED:  That the Community Safety Partnership Panel 2021/22 (as set out in Annex 1) be supported and endorsed

CH 21/19

Tonbridge and Malling Anti-Social Behaviour Policy pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is a priority for Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council and for the Community Safety Partnership.  In order to help this work we have updated our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy which lets people who are reporting ASB know what they can expect from us.


Additional documents:


(Decision Notice D210058MEM)


The report presented an updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy (Annex 1) which advised people reporting incidents what to expect from the Borough Council.   An Operational Procedure (Annex 2) was also presented for consideration.


Members were reminded that tackling anti-social behaviour remained a key priority for Tonbridge and Malling. 




(1)             the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, as set out at Annex 1, be supported and endorsed; and


(2)             the Anti-Social Behaviour Operational Procedure, as set out at Annex 2, be supported and endorsed.



Matters submitted for Information

CH 21/20

Community Safety Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 115 KB

This report will provide an update of some of the recent work of the Community Safety Partnership.



The report of the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive providing an update on the recent work of the Community Safety Partnership was noted. 

Matters for consideration in Private

CH 21/21

Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 4 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.


There were no items considered in private.