Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest PDF 3 KB Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct. However, in the interests of transparency Councillor Heslop advised that he was a member of the Board of the Bridge Trust and Councillor Hood advised that he was a member of Tonbridge Calling with reference to the item on Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Development. |
To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 28 May 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 28 May 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet |
Disabled Facilities Grant Budget 2019-20 PDF 83 KB The report seeks approval for the Disabled Facilities Grant budget for 2019/20 following the Better Care Fund allocation. Minutes: The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health detailed the proposed allocation of Disabled Facilities Grant funding available in 2019/20. Overall funding for Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council for the period was circa £1,170,000.
In addition, Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) would be the subject of a forthcoming Overview and Scrutiny Review.
It was noted that in all cases where a discretionary DFG was awarded for an owner-occupier, the amount would be placed as a local land charge against the property and recovered at sale or transfer. This process enabled the funding to be recycled for future use. Members were advised that the Borough Council had successfully recalled monies in all such cases.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposed allocation of the funding available in 2019/20, as set out in the table at paragraph 1.2.1 of the report, be approved and the appropriate capital and revenue budgets adjusted accordingly. *Referred to Cabinet |
Capital Plan Projects PDF 142 KB This report updates Members of progress with key projects included in the Council’s Capital Plan.
Additional documents: Minutes: Decision Notice D190057MEM
The report set out the progress on key projects included in the Borough Council’s Capital Plan. A full update reflecting all current List A schemes relevant to the Communities and Housing Advisory Board was attached at Annex 1 for information.
In addition, the latest position regarding the development opportunity at Leybourne Lakes Country Park was outlined. The outcome of the tender evaluation process would be reported to a future meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board. However, it was agreed that local and key Members receive updates at regular intervals.
Members welcomed the positive progress being made on a number of significant projects, such as the Tonbridge Racecourse Swimming Pool Bridge, but expressed frustration at the delay related to the Leybourne Lakes Country Park development opportunity.
(1) the updates on the current List A schemes within the Capital Plan, as shown at Annex 1 of the report, be noted; and
(2) the outcome of the tendering exercise for the management of Leybourne Lakes Country Park be reported to a future meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board. |
Country Parks - Customer Panel Meetings PDF 128 KB This report seeks nominations for Member representatives to attend the Customer Panels for the Council’s two Country Parks.
Minutes: Decision Notice D190058MEM
The report sought nominations for the appointment of Member representatives to attend Customer Panel meetings for Haysden and Leybourne Lakes Country Parks. It was also proposed that the Cabinet Member for Community Services be approved as an ex-officio member of each Panel.
(1) the following Members be appointed to serve on the Customer Panels for the Borough Council’s Country Parks as set out below:
(2) the Cabinet Member for Community Safety be approved as an ex-officio member of each Customer Panel.
Public Space Protection Order PDF 100 KB To provide a report giving details of the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the borough, including details of the borough wide restrictions, as well as restrictions for particular geographical areas.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision Notice D190059MEM
The report provided details of the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the Borough, including details of Borough-wide restrictions and restrictions for particular geographical areas. Annex 2 of the report set out the proposed PSPO, including two new proposed restrictions related to no unauthorised drones (unmanned aerial surveillance platforms) on Borough Council land and keeping dogs on a lead in closed churchyards.
In order to extend or add additional requirements to a PSPO there was a requirement to consult with the public and other bodies. The responses to the consultation would be reported to the next meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board.
Members welcomed the continuation of the Borough Council’s PSPO and supported the new restrictions proposed. The challenges around monitoring and enforcement were also recognised and a ‘common sense’ approach would be adopted.
Finally, reference was made to e-scooters and whether there was a case for a further restriction in the PSPO. Members were advised that at the current time e-scooters had not been identified as a significant issue. However, if this was raised as part of the public consultation the Borough Council’s position would be reconsidered.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order, as set out in Annex 2 of the report and summarised above, be circulated for public consultation. |
Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Development PDF 161 KB This report updates Members on the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee review of Youth, Sports and Events Development undertaken in June 2018. Minutes: Decision Notice D190060MEM
The report provided an update on the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee review of Youth, Sports and Events Development undertaken in June 2018.
Members welcomed the good progress made to date on the implementation of the review’s recommendations, particularly the enhanced events programme which benefited residents, attracted visitors to Tonbridge and Malling and secured additional income by supporting commercial events.
Reference was made to the Youth Forum and whether there was an opportunity to engage more effectively with disaffected young people by improving facilities. Members were advised of the good working relationship with Kent County Council Youth Workers and opportunities to further promote the Youth Forum and engage with young people would be explored with them.
RECOMMENDED: That the positive progress achieved on the implementation of the approved change to delivery of Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Development, as set out in the report, be welcomed and noted.
Matters submitted for Information |
Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust Update PDF 138 KB This report reviews the recent performance of the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust, updates on service provision and reports progress on the major capital plan scheme for Larkfield Leisure Centre, commencing later this year. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report reviewed the recent performance of the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust, updated on service provision and set out the progress on the major capital plan scheme for Larkfield Leisure Centre.
Particular reference was made to the ventilation refurbishment, boiler and roof replacement project at the Leisure Centre. It was noted that works were scheduled to start early in October 2019 for a period of approximately 36 weeks. Given the scale of the project and the impact on visitors, regular progress reports would be provided at future meetings of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board. |
Community Safety Partnership Update PDF 78 KB This report will provide an update of some of the recent work of the Community Safety Partnership Minutes: The recent work and activity undertaken by the Community Safety Partnership was set out in the report of the Director of Central Services.
There had been a slight increase of 2.5% in the amount of crime reported, although reports of Anti-Social Behaviour to the police had decreased. However, Tonbridge and Malling remained a safe place to live, work and visit as the Borough remained the third lowest for crime in the country.
The Cabinet Member for Community Services referred to the increasing issue of financial abuse and asked Members to promote the video available on the Kent County Council website, which offered advice and guidance. In addition, the Cabinet Member offered to raise any issues and concerns with the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner if Members provided details of these. |
Matters for consideration in Private |
Exclusion of Press and Public PDF 4 KB The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information. Minutes: There were no items considered in private. |