Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest PDF 3 KB Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct. |
To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 23 July 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 23 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Presentation by Martin Guyton, Chief Executive of Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust PDF 54 KB Minutes: The Advisory Board received a presentation from Martin Guyton, Chief Executive of the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust, reviewing the past year and reflecting on the work of the Trust on the sixth anniversary of its establishment. Members asked questions on a range of performance issues and congratulated the Trust on its Quest Quality Awards. The Chairman thanked Mr Guyton for his contribution to the meeting. |
Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet |
Review of Cemetery Charges 2020/21 PDF 144 KB The report outlines charging proposals for 2020/21 regarding Tonbridge Cemetery. It is anticipated that these proposals will generate additional net income of approximately £1,200. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the joint report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services and Director of Finance and Transformation setting out charging proposals for 2020/21 regarding Tonbridge Cemetery. A comparison with other Kent district councils’ charges was provided and it was anticipated that the proposals would generate additional net income of approximately £1,200.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposed charges for Tonbridge Cemetery, as detailed at Annex 2 to the report, be approved and implemented from 1 April 2020. *Referred to Cabinet |
Review of House in Multiple Occupation and Caravan Site Licensing Fees 2020/21 PDF 95 KB The report provides an update on existing fees and the recommended charge following a review of the costs to process the respective applications. The proposals if adopted would result in fee increases for both HMO and Caravan site licensing, which have been benchmarked against neighbouring authorities. Minutes: The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on existing fees for licensing houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) and caravan sites together with recommended charges following a review of costs of processing the respective applications. The proposed fee increases had been benchmarked against neighbouring authorities.
RECOMMENDED: That the following charges be approved with effect from 1 April 2020:
£537 for a new mandatory HMO licence application; £495 for the renewal of a mandatory HMO licence application; £390 for a new caravan site licence where the use of the site is for permanent residential use; and £185 for the transfer of a caravan site licence for a permanent residential use site. *Referred to Cabinet |
Temporary Accommodation PDF 282 KB The report updates Members on the current position on temporary accommodation and sets out a number of options for the future provision of temporary accommodation to meet the Council’s statutory housing duties. Minutes: Decision Notice D190080MEM
The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health gave an update on the current position regarding temporary accommodation and set out a number of options for the provision of such accommodation to meet the Council’s statutory housing duties.
the current position on Temporary Accommodation (TA), including the
significant budget pressures resulting from increased demand, be
noted and the following TA procurement projects be approved for
(2) the other project proposals included in section 1.3 of the report be investigated further by officers and reported back to the Advisory Board within 12 months. |
Housing Allocation Scheme Review PDF 148 KB To approve the Project Plan for a review of the Housing Allocation Scheme to reflect the introduction of new legislation. Although there are no immediate financial implications, the review may in time lead to changes in working practices that could have financial implications. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision Notice D190081MEM
The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health presented a Project Plan for a review of the Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme to reflect the introduction of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. This set out the work to be completed prior to presentation of an amended draft of the Scheme and timetable for consultation with key partners.
(1) the Project Plan set out at Annex 2 of the report be approved to allow the review to commence; and
(2) a further report and draft of the revised Housing Allocation Scheme be presented to Members for approval prior to formal consultation on the Scheme.
Private Landlord Offer PDF 415 KB The report updates Members on the current approach to working with private sector landlords and the assistance to households seeking private rented housing and outlines options for change. There are no immediate financial implications arising from the report but, depending on the outcome of the proposed options analysis, there could be future financial implications. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision Notice D190082MEM
The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on the current approach to working with private sector landlords and the assistance given to households looking to secure private rented housing. Options for changing this approach were presented and details given of engagement activity with the sector in considering a revised private landlord offer.
RECOMMENDED: That the undertaking of soft market engagement be approved and all the following options be included in the process:
(1) Deposits and rent in advance (paragraph 1.5.2 of the report) (2) Private guarantee companies (paragraph 1.5.3) (3) Accreditation (paragraph 1.5.4) (4) Guaranteed Rent (paragraph 1.5.10) (5) Financial incentives (paragraph 1.5.11) (6) Social lettings agency (SLA) (paragraph 1.5.13). |
Update on Public Space Protection Order PDF 94 KB To provide feedback on the responses received on the Public Space Protection Order consultation and agree the terms for the PSPO. Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Decision No D190059MEM, the report of the Director of Central Services provided feedback on the responses received in relation to the formal consultation on the Public Space Protection Order. It was noted that the majority of public who had replied were happy with the continuation of the current restrictions together with the additional two restrictions in respect of unauthorised drones and dogs on leads in St Stephen’s and St Peter and St Paul’s churchyards.
RECOMMENDED: That the Public Space Protection Order for Tonbridge and Malling, as set out at Annex 2 to the report, be approved. *Referred to Cabinet |
Capital Plan Projects PDF 137 KB The report updates Members on progress with key projects included in the Council’s Capital Plan and brings forward a number of Post Implementation Reviews supported in many cases by external funding. Projects costs are already included within List A of the Capital Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision Notice D190083MEM
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on progress with key projects included in the Capital Plan and brought forward a number of post implementation reviews which were in many cases supported by external funding.
(1) the updates on the current schemes within the Capital Plan, as shown at Annex 1 to the report, be noted; and
(2) the Post Implementation Reviews shown at Annexes 2 to 4 to the report be approved. |
Tonbridge Farm Sportsground User Survey Results PDF 163 KB The report gives details of the results of the 2019 user survey carried out at Tonbridge Farm Sportsground which show high levels of user satisfaction. Any actions to meet customer needs will be delivered through existing revenue budgets where possible and any additional funding required may be achievable through developer contributions or other external funding. There is therefore no anticipated impact on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Minutes: Decision Notice D190084MEM
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services gave details of the results of the 2019 user survey carried out at Tonbridge Farm Sportsground which showed high levels of user satisfaction. It was noted that potential improvements to meet customer needs would be delivered through existing revenue budgets, developer contributions or other external funding.
(1) the 2019 casual user market survey results for Tonbridge Farm Sportsground be noted and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan; (2) an audit of the provision and location of seats, benches and picnic tables be undertaken; (3) an Access Audit for people with disabilities be progressed; and (4) potential improvements be progressed in accordance with the approach outlined in the report and reflected in the Site’s next 5 year Management Plan.
Matters submitted for Information |
Rough Sleeper Update PDF 96 KB An update is given on the work ongoing since the previous report. The current workstreams specific to working with Rough Sleepers have been funded via bids to central government and have no direct financial implication. However it demonstrates the value of an approach that reduces rough sleeping to mitigate the financial implications of those cases to the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Decision No D190023MEM, the report provided an update on ongoing work with rough sleepers funded via bids to central government. This demonstrated the value of an approach that reduced rough sleeping to mitigate the financial implications of those cases to the Council. It was noted that the annual estimate of the number of rough sleepers in the Borough for submission to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government would take place on 13 November. Reference was also made to the success of the Rough Sleeper Task and Finish Group and the outcome of the exploration of the feasibility of a night shelter. |
Leisure Trust Update PDF 143 KB The report reviews the recent performance of the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust, updates on service provision and reports progress on the major capital plan scheme for Larkfield Leisure Centre. The report has no implications to the Council’s revenue budget or Medium Term Financial Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: The report reviewed the recent performance of the Tonbridge and Malling Leisure Trust and provided an update on progress of the major capital plan scheme for Larkfield Leisure Centre. |
Community Safety Partnership Update PDF 136 KB The report provides an update on some of the recent work of the Community Safety Partnership. Minutes: The report gave an update on recent work of the Community Safety Partnership and advised of the latest crime statistics from Kent Police. Particular reference was made to the appointment of a new Safer Towns Co-ordinator for Tonbridge and progress towards White Ribbon Accreditation. |
Matters for consideration in Private |
Exclusion of Press and Public PDF 4 KB The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information. Minutes: There were no items considered in private. |