Agenda, decisions and minutes

Communities and Housing Advisory Board - Tuesday, 21st July, 2020 7.30 pm

Venue: online via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Link: View Meeting

No. Item


CH 20/12

Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 3 KB


Councillor J Botten (Chairman) and Councillor W Palmer each declared Other Significant Interests (OSIs) in the item on the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Charging Policy and on The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 on the grounds of being landlords of properties within the Borough.  They withdrew from the meeting during consideration of these matters.


As a consequence of the above declaration by the Chairman and in accordance with Committee Procedure Rule 14.7 (as set out in Part 4 of the Constitution) it was proposed by Councillor R Dalton, seconded by Councillor G Thomas and


RESOLVED:  That, following the withdrawal of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs J Anderson chair the meeting of the Board during consideration of the items relating to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Charging Policy and The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.  

CH 20/13

Minutes pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 25 February 2020


RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 25 February 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet

CH 20/14

Discharge of Duty into the Private Rented Sector pdf icon PDF 215 KB

The report provides a summary of the implications of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and the duties placed on Councils to prevent and relieve homelessness.  The proposed Discharge of Duty into the Private Rented Sector Policy provides details of how the Council will use private rented sector housing to comply with legislation.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D200042MEM


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health summarised the implications of the introduction of Homelessness Reduction Act and the new duties placed on Councils to prevent and relieve homelessness which, combined with the increase in demand on temporary accommodation and growing pressure on social housing, had necessitated a review of all housing options for those approaching the Council as homeless or threatened with homelessness.  It was noted that Legislation allowed the Council to discharge its homeless duties into the private sector and that work had been progressed in respect of the Council’s offer to landlords to encourage them to work with the Authority.  It was anticipated that this would increase the supply of affordable and decent housing in which to place homeless households.  To ensure compliance with legislation the Council was required to have in place a Discharge of Duty into the Private Rented Sector Policy.  The report advised that there were no immediate financial implications of adopting the Policy.  It was hoped that having more private rented homes into which the duty could be discharged together with a wider pool of housing options would increase opportunities to prevent homelessness, which would be a more cost effective approach.


RECOMMENDED: That the Discharge into the Private Rented Sector Policy be approved.

CH 20/15

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Charging Policy pdf icon PDF 142 KB

The report recommends adoption of a policy for determining the level of financial penalty for non-compliance by landlords with the Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations in the Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council area.  It also recommends giving delegated authority to increase the period for publication penalties on the PRS Exemptions Register above the minimum of 12 months.


Additional documents:


Decision Notice D200043MEM


Consideration was given to the adoption of a policy for determining the level of financial penalty for non-compliance by landlords with the Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations in the Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council area. 




(1)             the policy for determining the level of financial penalty for non-compliance with the Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations in the Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council area set out at Annex 1 to the report be endorsed; and

(2)             authority be delegated to the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to increase the length of time limit above the minimum 12 months a publication penalty is publicised on the PRS Exemptions Register if determined appropriate. 

CH 20/16

The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

The report recommends the level of financial penalties that will apply to private rented sector landlords for breaches of the new Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.



Decision Notice D200044MEM

Consideration was given to the level of financial penalties to be applied to private rented sector landlords for breaches of the new Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.

RECOMMENDED:  That the use of the Council adopted Private Sector Housing Financial Civil Penalties Policy to determine the level of fine to be imposed on private rented sector landlords for breaches of the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 be endorsed. 

CH 20/17

Parks and Leisure - Response to Covid 19 pdf icon PDF 480 KB

The report provides updates on progress with the themes/activities identified within the Parks and Leisure section of the recently approved First Year Addendum to the Council’s Corporate Strategy.  This includes updates on the reopening of the Council’s Indoor and Outdoor Leisure Facilities, progress with Capital Plan Projects, potential outsourcing of Leybourne Lakes Country Park to the Leisure Trust and the 2020/21 Events Calendar.


Decision Notice D200045MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services provided an update on progress with the themes/activities identified within the Parks and Leisure section of the recently approved First Year Addendum to the Council’s Corporate Strategy.  This included updates on the reopening of the Council’s Indoor and Outdoor Leisure Facilities, progress with Capital Plan Projects, potential outsourcing of Leybourne Lakes Country Park to the Leisure Trust and the 2020/21 Events Calendar.




(1)             authority be delegated to the Director of Street Scene Leisure and Technical Services in liaison with the Cabinet Members for Communities and Finance, Innovation & Property to proceed with negotiations regarding the first short term adjustment to the Service Fee in advance of the next meeting of the Advisory Board;


(2)             subject to legal advice and the agreement of the Trust, the List C capital plan evaluation for Leybourne Lakes Country Park be presented to the Finance, Innovation & Property Advisory Board in September 2020 with a view to seeking approval at Full Council in October 2020. 

CH 20/18

Haysden Country Park - Management Plan 2020-24 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

The report brings forward comments received during the public consultation on the draft Haysden Country Park Management Plan and recommends final approval of the Plan.  The report also recognises the current Covid 19 situation and the impact this may have on future management of the site.


Additional documents:


Decision Notice D200046MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services brought forward comments received during the public consultation on the draft Haysden Country Park Management Plan and recommended final approval of the Plan.  The report also recognised the current Covid 19 situation and the impact this may have on future management of the site.


RECOMMENDED:  That the proposed amendments be made to the draft Management Plan as shown at Annex 3 to the report, and the Management Plan for Haysden Country Park 2020-2024 be approved. 

CH 20/19

Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is required to publish an annual plan of its work. This gives details of the initiatives it has carried out during the previous year and details of the priorities for the forthcoming year.

Additional documents:


Decision Notice D200047MEM


Consideration was given to the published Community Safety Partnership (CSP) annual plan of work which provided details of the initiatives carried out during the previous year and of the priorities for the forthcoming year.


RECOMMENDED:  That the Community Safety Partnership Plan 2020/21, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be supported and endorsed.


Matters submitted for Information

CH 20/20

Housing Service Activity Report pdf icon PDF 579 KB

The report provides updates on the activity of the Housing Service in the financial year 2019/20.


Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health provided an update on the activity of the Housing Service during the financial year 2019/20.

CH 20/21

Community Safety Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB

The report provides an update of some of the recent work of the Community Safety Partnership.



The report of the Director of Central Services and Deputy Chief Executive provided an update on recent work undertaken by the Community Safety Partnership.  Particular reference was made to the impact of COVID-19, the county-wide campaign around ‘cuckooing’ and a Police Closure Order placed on a property in Snodland.

CH 20/22

Tonbridge Sports Association pdf icon PDF 109 KB

The report presents the 2019/20 Report of the Tonbridge Sports Association.


Additional documents:


The 2019/20 Annual Report of the Tonbridge Sports Association was presented to the Board by its Chairman, Mr A Nicholl.  The report focussed on the history and development of the Association which was celebrating its 100th Anniversary.  

Matters for consideration in Private

CH 20/23

Exclusion of Press and Public pdf icon PDF 4 KB

The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information.


There were no items considered in private.