Venue: Civic Suite, Gibson Building, Kings Hill, West Malling
Contact: Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes: In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, it was proposed by Councillor Miss Thomas, seconded by Councillor Hudson and
RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Anderson be elected to preside at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made in accordance with the Code of Conduct. However, in the interests of transparency Councillor Heslop advised that he was a member of the Board of the Bridge Trust and Councillor Hoskins advised that she was a member of Tonbridge Welcomes Refugees with reference to the item on Activity within the Housing Service. |
To confirm as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 26 February 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Communities and Housing Advisory Board held on 26 February 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Overview of Service Areas As part of the induction for new Members, Service heads will give a short overview of their service areas. Minutes: As part of the induction process for new Members, Service heads gave a short overview of their service areas before introducing their respective reports on the agenda. |
Matters for recommendation to the Cabinet |
Leybourne Open Space - Traveller Incursion This report brings forward a proposal and funding contribution from Leybourne Parish Council to install ‘bow top’ fencing along a section of Borough Council owned land in the village, which has been subject to a number of Traveller incursions over recent years. Member’s instructions on the way forward are sought.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services presented for consideration a proposal, including a funding contribution from Leybourne Parish Council, for the installation of “bow top” fencing along a section of Borough Council owned land in the village which had been subject to a number of Traveller incursions over recent years. Details were given of protection measures implemented to date by the Borough and Parish Councils on the four areas of open space consistently targeted in Leybourne.
Members were advised that the cost of the proposal to be funded by the Borough Council after a 25% contribution from Leybourne Parish Council would be £9,750 for which there was no budget allocation. Having considered the arguments for and against the protection of the area in question and the representations from local Members, the Advisory Board supported the proposal given the costs in terms of legal fees and for clearing waste and litter left on site after every incursion.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposal brought forward by Leybourne Parish Council to protect the area of open space identified in the report from Travellers be accepted and the Cabinet be requested to allocate £9,750 from the General Revenue Reserve to fund the balance of the cost. *Referred to Cabinet |
Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground - Management Plan 2019-2023 This report brings forward comments received as part of the public consultation exercise on the draft Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground Management Plan and recommends final approval of the Plan.
- The Management Plan Consultation (Annex 1) is attached as a separate document due to its size (102 pages) Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision Notice D190034MEM
The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services brought forward comments received as part of the public consultation exercise on the draft Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground Management Plan, together with proposed amendments arising from them, and recommended final approval of the Plan.
It was noted that the majority of comments focused on formal sports and liaison had been undertaken with Tonbridge Sports Association regarding the recommendations set out in Annex 3 to the report. In response to a number of questions raised by Members, it was advised that cycling provision and the level of dog waste/litter bins on the site would be reviewed in accordance with the approved Plan.
RECOMMENDED: That the proposed amendments be made to the draft Management Plan, as shown at Annex 3 to the report, and the Management Plan for Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground 2019-2023 be approved. |
Community Safety Partnership Plan 2019-20 The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is required to publish an annual plan of its work. This gives details of the initiatives it has carried out during the previous year and details of the priorities for the forthcoming year. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision Notice D190035MEM
The report of the Director of Central Services presented the Tonbridge and Malling Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Plan 2019/20 and gave details of initiatives carried out during the previous year. It also identified the five priorities for which action plans had been developed with partners for progression in the forthcoming year.
RECOMMENDED: That the Tonbridge and Malling Community Safety Partnership Plan 2019/20, as set out at Annex 1 to the report, be supported and endorsed. |
Matters submitted for Information |
Activity within the Housing Service 2018/19 This report updates Members on the activity of the Housing Service in the financial year 2018/19. Additional documents: Minutes: The report provided an update on activity within the Housing Service during 2018/19 including the work of the Private Sector Housing team, Housing Options and Support with particular reference to the implications of the Homelessness Reduction Act and action on rough sleeping. The Advisory Board also received an update on the housing register, the Syrian vulnerable persons resettlement scheme, use of temporary accommodation and supply of affordable housing. Officers answered a range of questions raised by Members. |
One You Service Update This report updates Members on activity within the Council’s OneYou Team during 2018/19. Minutes: The report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health outlined the background and funding of the Council’s OneYou team and activities undertaken and events attended during 2018/19. Following discussion it was agreed that the team would provide ward Members with details of activities in their areas. |
Community Safety Partnership Update The paper gives the latest update from the Community Safety Partnership.
Minutes: The report of the Director of Central Services provided the latest update from the Community Safety Partnership including crime statistics, training sessions, the Safer Towns Partnership and the work of the Community Alcohol Partnerships in Snodland and Tonbridge. |
Tonbridge Sports Association This report presents the 2018/19 Annual Report of the Tonbridge Sports Association. Additional documents: Minutes: The report presented the 2018/19 Annual Report of the Tonbridge Sports Association (TSA). The Association’s Chairman, Mr Alan Nicholl, was in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions from Members. It was noted that the TSA would be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2020. Members expressed their thanks to Mr Nicholl and the TSA for the positive and productive community partnership shared over many years. |
Matters for consideration in Private |
Exclusion of Press and Public The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during consideration of any items the publication of which would disclose exempt information. Minutes: There were no items considered in private. |