Agenda and minutes

Tonbridge Community Forum - Monday, 20th May, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Riverside Lounge, Angel Centre

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Note: Unfortunately, this meeting will not be live streamed 

No. Item

TCF 24/14

Appointment of Chair and Vice Chairs

To confirm Borough Council appointments and to seek nominations for a vice-chairman from the community groups.


The appointments of Borough Councillors were confirmed.  A nomination for the appointment of Vice Chair from community representatives was received for Mark Ansell.  As there were no further nominations received, the community representatives agreed that Mark Ansell be duly appointed as the second Vice Chair of the Tonbridge Community Forum.

TCF 24/15

Notification of Substitute Members

Substitute members to be appointed at Annual Council


There were no substitute Members nominated for this meeting.

TCF 24/16

Minutes pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Tonbridge Community Forum held on 26 February 2024.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

TCF 24/17

Update on any action identified in the last Minutes


Minute Number TCF 24/6 (meeting held on 26 February 2024) - Review of the Tonbridge Community Forum


Members were advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be asked to consider a scoping report on the changes to the format of the Tonbridge Community Forum at their meeting on the 27 June 2024.


Minute Number TCF 24/9 (meeting held on 26 February 2024) - Request for Membership


Members were informed that following a request for Barden Residents Group and West Kent British Asian Association to be appointed to the Tonbridge Community Forum, representatives from each had been invited to attend a future meeting of the Forum to provide a presentation on their respective organisation. 

TCF 24/18

Kent Police Update

Kent Police are invited to provide an update on neighbouring policing and recent initiatives and operations.


Please note that attendance is subject operational pressures.


Members received a verbal update from Kent Police on neighbouring policing and recent initiatives and operations.  Good progress continued to be made in recruitment and the plan was for the full quota to be reached by September 2024.


In response to concerns raised regarding cyclists on pavements, Kent Police would try to educate cyclists and penalise if necessary. Concern was also raised regarding the yellow box markings on the junction of Waterloo Road and the B2260 and noted that Kent Police would raise Members concerns regarding the road layout with Kent County Council.


In response to an increase in road traffic accidents, details of raising awareness of road safety would be provided at a future meeting.

Matters raised in Advance of the meeting

Details of the matter to be raised should be provided in writing or by email to at least 10 working days before the meeting.  This is so that a response can be provided on the evening of the meeting.  Only one question may be submitted by an organisation due to the time limitations.


TCF 24/19

Bus to Bluewater

Requested by Tonbridge U3A.


A request was made to Kent County Council for an arrangement to be made with the new bus operator to continue the bus service from Tonbridge to Bluewater on the same commercial basis as previously operated under in order to meet the needs of residents. County Councillor Stepto offered to provide a response at the next meeting of the Forum.

TCF 24/20

Replacement bus shelter in Tonbridge High Street

An update was requested by Tonbridge U3A on the replacement bus shelter in Tonbridge High Street.


An update on the replacement bus shelter in Tonbridge High Street was sought and noted that the shelter had been replaced on 14 March 2024.

TCF 24/21

Tonbridge Town Council Petition

To receive a presentation on the Town Council petition by Councillor Anna Cope.


Members received a presentation on the Campaign for a Tonbridge Town Council by Councillor Anna Cope, a copy of which would be circulated to Members following the meeting.

TCF 24/22

Town Centre Redevelopment

Members are asked to discuss whether to have Town Centre Redevelopment as a standing item on future agendas. The item will be introduced by the Vice-Chair representing the community groups.


Members were requested to discuss whether to have Town Centre Redevelopment as a standing item on future agendas.  During discussion, the request was supported as it was recognised that the majority of community organisations represented on the Forum would be key stakeholders and therefore it was important that they receive regular updates so that the wider community could be kept informed.

TCF 24/23

Promotion of Upcoming Events

Opportunity to advise of future events in and around Tonbridge.


(1)    Tonbridge Lions Annual Dragon Boat Race


Members were informed that the annual boat race would be held on 1 September, 9am – 4pm.  The event would be held on the River Medway at the Watergate (Big Bridge) Tonbridge High Street.  The event would be an action packed day and all proceeds from the event would be donated to local charities and good causes.


(2)    Tonbridge Pride


Members were informed that Tonbridge Pride would be held on 29 June 2024 and were invited to join the town’s vibrant LGBTQ+ community for a fun filled day of celebration and acceptance.  


(3)    Tonbridge Repair Café


Members noted that the Repair Café would be at St Stephens Church on 8 June and 13 July 2024.

TCF 24/24

Any Other Business

To consider any other issues raised at the meeting.  Any answers, actions and/or outcomes may be provided at the next meeting of the  Tonbridge Community Forum.


There was no other business.