Agenda and minutes

Tonbridge Community Forum - Monday, 2nd September, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: online via MS Teams

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Link: View Meeting

No. Item

TCF 24/25

Appointment of Chair

To confirm the appointment of Councillor Lee Athwal as Chairman of the Tonbridge Community Forum.


The appointment of Councillor Lee Athwal as Chair of the Tonbridge Community Forum was confirmed.

TCF 24/26

Notification of Substitute Members pdf icon PDF 9 KB


There were no substitute Members nominated for this meeting.

TCF 24/27

Minutes pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Tonbridge Community Forum held on 20 May 2024.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2024 be approved as a correct record..

TCF 24/28

Update on any action identified in the last Minutes


(1)      Minute Number TCF 24/17 - Update on Any Action Identified in the Last Minutes


(i)       Minute Number TCF 24/6 (meeting held on 26 February 2024) – Review of the Tonbridge Community Forum


Members were advised that a scoping report would be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 September 2024.  It was noted that the report was previously going to be considered by the Committee on 27 June 2024, however the meeting was cancelled due to the General Election.


(ii)      Minute Number TCF 24/9 (meeting held on 26 February 2024) – Request for Membership


          Members were informed that Barden Residents Group and West Kent Asian Association had been invited to attend a future meeting of the Forum, however at this stage no response from either organisation had been received.


(2)      Minute Number TCF 24/18 – Kent Police Update


Members received a verbal update from Kent Police on neighbourhood policing and recent initiatives and operations.  In particular, it was noted that there had been a reduction in crime over the last year across the borough and that good progress continued to be made in recruitment and the full quota would be reached by the end of September. 


(3)      Minute Number TCF 24/29 – Bus to Bluewater


County Councillor Stepto provided an update from Kent County Council regarding the retender of a contract for a school bus 223 which ran from Gravesend to Tonbridge Schools.  Members were informed that outside of the contract and essentially unbeknown to Kent County Council, Redroute had previously used the same vehicle to operate the 228 on a commercial unsubsidised basis outside of the contract.


The new contract was awarded to Brian Jones Coaches following tender and as a result Redroute cancelled the 228.   Brian Jones Coaches had been approached and provided passenger figures for the 228 service but they did not feel that this was something that they could operate presumably based on use of the service or different demands on the vehicle and / or driver between the school runs.


(4)      Minute Number TCF 24/22 – Town Centre Redevelopment


The Chair advised that the Town Centre Redevelopment would be a standing item on future agendas and that the first meeting of the Programme Board was scheduled to be held week commencing 2 September 2024. 

Matters raised in Advance of the meeting

Details of the matter to be raised should be provided in writing or by email to at least 10 working days before the meeting.  This is so that a response can be provided on the evening of the meeting.  Only one question may be submitted by an organisation due to the time limitations.


TCF 24/29

Access to Cash

To receive an update from the Chairman on Access to Cash in Tonbridge.


Sally Pearce provided an update on the ‘Access to Cash’ campaign during which Members were advised that a new regulatory regime had been established to maintain reasonable access to cash for consumer and businesses in the UK and which followed new powers granted to the Financial Conduct Authority by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 to ensure the reasonable provision of cash access services in the UK.  Under the new rules, banks and building societies would have to weigh up whether local communities lacked access to cash services and provide additional services where they found significant gaps. 


Members of the public and community groups were encouraged to submit a request for a review of the community’s access to cash via LINK / Request Access to Cash.

TCF 24/30

Promotion of Upcoming Events

Members are provided the opportunity to advise of future events in and around Tonbridge.


(1)      Run Kent Tonbridge Half Marathon


The Run Kent Tonbridge Half marathon, 5km and 10km event, supported by Tonbridge Lions Club and the Rotary Club of Tonbridge would be held on 29 September 2024. The event would start and finish in the outskirts of Tonbridge and would head out into the Kent countryside.  Road closures would be in place for the duration of the event.


(2)      River Walk Music


There was free Friday night music by the river in Tonbridge from 19July to 6 September 2024.


(3)      The Hound of the Baskervilles


Illyria would be performing the Hound of the Baskervilles at Tonbridge Castle on 8 September 2024.


(4)      Supercar Rally 2024


The Mason Foundation Supercar Rally would be held on 8 September 2024, 11.45am – 3.00pm.  The supercars would be making their way through Tonbridge High Street to Tonbridge Castle and there would be an opportunity to view the cars and speak to the drivers.  The event was free to attend and there would be an opportunity to donate to Propel, supporting young people with additional learning needs to thrive in employment.


(5)      Walk Tonbridge Festival Marathon


The marathon would be taking place on 22 September 2024 and would follow a challenging 26.2 mile route from Tonbridge Baptist Church to Tonbridge Old Fire Station. 


(6)      Artisan Market


Members were invited to explore a diverse range of offerings, from culinary delights and bespoke gifts to household necessities at the Tonbridge Artisan Market to be held in the Tonbridge Castle Car Park on 7 October 2024.


(7)      Tonbridge Charity Fireworks


The Tonbridge Annual Fireworks Display would return to the Racecourse Sports Ground at Tonbridge Park on 3 November 2024.   The gates would open at 5.00pm and the display was scheduled to start at 6.30pm.


(8)      Remembrance Service and Parade


The Remembrance Service and Parade would be held on 10 November 2024 at Tonbridge Memorial Gardens and Castle Bailey Lawn.


(9)      Tonbridge Christmas Festival/Fireworks


The Christmas Festival would be held on 24 November 2024, 2.00pm to 6.00pm on the High Street. The festival would include entertainment, stalls, funfair, the Christmas Light Switch On and fireworks.


(10)    Illuminate Light Show


Illuminate would be returning to Tonbridge Castle from 24 November 2024 to 31 December 2024 with magical light displays. 


(11)    Information and Advice Day


The Tonbridge and Malling Seniors would be holding an information and advice day at the Angel Centre, Tonbridge on 30 September 2024, 11.00am to 1.00pm.


TCF 24/31

Any Other Business

To consider any other issues raised at the meeting.  Any answers, actions and/or outcomes may be provided at the next meeting of the Tonbridge Community Forum.


·        Update on Local Plan


(1)      Local Plan


An update on the process and timelines for the Local Plan public consultation and submission to the Planning Inspectorate had been requested by Tonbridge Historical Society. 


Members were advised that following the Government’s announcement to make significant changes to national planning policy, the Borough Council had made the decision to wait for more details before proceeding to the next stage of developing its Local Plan.  The proposals were out for consultation until September 2024 and could be viewed at


The outcomes of the proposed standard method were also included.  A report would be presented to the Housing and Planning Scrutiny Select Committee in September 2024 outlining the position for Tonbridge and Malling in light of emerging central government policy changes.  The consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework was still live and there were further announcements to come from Government on the detail of their proposed approach and therefore officers cannot provide a more detailed update to the Tonbridge Community Forum at this time.


(2)      Litter


Concern was raised regarding the amount of overflowing litter bins at some events, partly due to the lack of bins available when large events took place simultaneously.  In addition, the segregation of recycling at events was encouraged.  


(3)      Constitutions


In order to gain a greater understanding of each of the community groups represented on the Forum and their aims, the Chair requested a copy of their constitutions.