Agenda item

Flooding Update: Tonbridge, Hildenborough and East Peckham


The Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health reported on recent progress made towards flood improvement measures within Tonbridge.  As a result of effective partnership working between the Environment Agency, Kent County Council and the Borough Council on funding support and modelling of options there was now a clear way forward with a scheme.


Mr Simon Curd of the EA’s Flood Risk Management Team provided a summary of these recent developments and reported that, following an initial assessment stage, it appeared feasible to increase the capacity of the Leigh Flood Storage Area (LFSA) and bring forward a flood und at Hildenborough.  This would improve the level of protection to Tonbridge and other communities downstream.  Improvements to benefit Hildenborough would need to occur at the same time as those at Leigh.  It was explained that extensive modelling had demonstrated that both the LFSA and Hildenborough elements of the scheme needed to be completed together to avoid the increased risk of flooding River Medway into that community. 


In addition, the LFSA and Hildenborough schemes had been ‘decoupled’ from the options for the Rivers Beult and Teise as it was felt that more localised flood defences would be more beneficial for the communities at Yalding, Collier Street and Laddingford. 


Funding to improve the LFSA and defences for Hildenborough would be forthcoming from DEFRA with partnership contributions from Kent County Council, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and the private sector.    In addition, there was a bid to the South East Local Enterprise Partnership which, if successful, would contribute to this scheme and a separate flood alleviation scheme for East Peckham.  The EA and Borough Council were optimistic that funding would be secured.  It would be known on 23 November 2016 whether the bid for funding had been successful.


The local community would be briefed at a poster exhibition to be held on 20-22 October 2016 at the Angel Centre, Tonbridge between 1400 and 2000 hours on weekdays; 1000 and 1600 hours on Saturday.


Finally, Members were advised that the outline business case was being prepared and would lead to the full business case being submitted to DEFRA in 2018.  Once approved the detailed design phase was anticipated to start in 2018/19. Currently, the EA’s indicative programme showed construction between 2019 and 2022.


The Forum was also advised of other recent EA investment in Tonbridge at Town Lock and Avebury Avenue. 


Members welcomed the positive news regarding improved flood defences and asked that the timetable for the works to be implemented was moved forward as quickly as possible.  Mr Curd recognised that the process seemed lengthy and reminded the Forum that the proposed schedule was earlier than that originally promised.  The earlier development of the scheme was as a result of securing funding contributions and the Borough Council’s initiative regarding the funding bid to SELEP was recognised.  It was also hoped that the timetable could be accelerated as progress was made.


Concerns were raised regarding the lack of flood protection measures in place for Hildenborough whilst the scheme was developed and whether temporary flood barriers could be used.  The EA recognised the concerns raised and offered to revisit the potential use of flood barriers although it was not guaranteed that this would be a viable alternative. Further work would also be done to improve communication and early warnings to residents.


The issue of surface water was raised and it was confirmed that Southern Water and Kent County Council had responsibility for this area.  Work had recently been completed on clearing the culverts but the EA recognised that the surface water represented a significant challenge and were consulting with Southern Water, via the County Council.


The Chairman thanked Mr Curd for his contribution and asked all Members of the Forum to promote the upcoming workshops in Tonbridge.  A copy of the recent EA newsletter would be attached again to the Minutes for information.

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