Agenda item

Establishment Changes

LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual


(LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual)


The report of the Director of Central Services presented for approval a number of establishment changes arising from the on-going operational management of the Council’s services. 


A supplementary report by the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, circulated in advance of the meeting, gave details of a proposed new structure within the Health Team arising from the establishment of the West Kent Preventative Health Partnership between the West Kent district councils and Kent County Council.


RESOLVED:  That the proposals and establishment adjustments set out in the report be endorsed as follows:


(1)                                                    the post of DC Admin Support Team Leader (DJ0124), 30 hours per week, grade M8 and the post of DC Admin Support Deputy Team Leader (DJ0125), 37 hours per week, scale 5/6 be re-designated Technical Manager and Senior Technical Officer respectively with effect from 3 July 2017;

(2)                                                    the posts of Planning Technicians, Appeals & Enforcement Officer and Planning Clerks (DJ0114, DJ0116, DJ0117, DJ0119, DJ0121, DJ0128, DJ0129, DJ0139, DJ0142, DJ0143) be deleted with effect from 2 July 2017;

(3)                                                    ten new posts be created of Planning Technical Officer, six at 37 hours per week, one at 33.5 hours per week, one at 27 hours per week, one at 24 hours per week and one at 22 hours per week, with effect from 3 July 2017;

(4)                                                    the post of Planning Clerk (DJ0141), 22 hours per week, be deleted with effect from 2 July 2017, on that date the employment contract of Samantha Cox be terminated on the grounds of redundancy and her redundancy payment be calculated in accordance with the Council’s Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment Procedure;

(5)                                                    the hours of the post of Housing Technical Officer (DV0904) be reduced from 37 to 22.2 per week with effect from 1 June 2017;

(6)                                                    a sum of £16,392 accruing from the reduction in hours of post DV0904 be ring- fenced  pending a review of the Housing Team;

(7)                                                    the hours of the post of Head of Waste and Street Scene (DG0006) be reduced from 37 to 22.2 per week with effect from 1 June 2017;

(8)                                                    the post of Street Scene Manager (DG2001), 37 hours per week, be re-graded from M8 to M7 with effect from 1 June 2017;

(9)                                                    the posts of Health Improvement Manager (DV0201), Health Improvement Co-ordinator (DV0202), Health Improvement Assistant (DV0203) and Health Improvement Administrative Assistant (DV0299) be deleted from the establishment with effect from 30 September 2017 and new posts of Health Team Leader (grade Senior Officer), and One You Advisors (Scale 5) (x 2) be established with effect from 1 October 2017; and

(10)                                           any further amendments arising from staff consultation on the proposals at (9) above and the evaluation of the Partnership Administrator post be delegated to the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, in consultation with the Director of Central Services, the final structure of the future Health Team to be reported to the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee for information.

Supporting documents: