Agenda item

Update on Tonbridge Station Improvements and High Street Review

Jamie Watson of Kent County Council expected to attend


The Senior Schemes Programme Manager at Kent County Council (Mr Jamie Watson) provided an update on the progress being made on the Tonbridge Station improvements and advised that a review of the recent High Street improvements would be undertaken.


It was reported that funding of £500,000 allocated from the West Kent Local Growth Fund to support this project had to be spent during 2018/19.  The aim was to improve interaction between users at the station, provide more space for pedestrian movements and to create an interchange suitable for one of the busiest stations outside London.


Key proposals included relocating the bus lane to allow a wider pedestrian space; a 3 meter wide pedestrian crossing from the station towards Priory Road; 3 way traffic light controls (Waterloo Road, B2260 North and South) to allow safer movement for pedestrians, particularly at peak times; and the existing bus layby outside Lidl to be removed and converted to a new pedestrian area.  There were also plans for new bus stops for three buses to be created using some of the existing carriageway space.


Consultation on these proposals for the station would start in January 2018 and finish in March 2018.


In setting out these proposals Mr Watson advised that vehicles would be able to pass buses in both directions along the High Street and a right hand turn would be provided.  Local bus operators had confirmed satisfaction with these measures.


A number of points had been raised by residents and included the bus stop outside Café Nero causing traffic delays and the raised table in the High Street being mistaken for a pedestrian crossing.  It was reported that a review into the High Street improvements was due to be undertaken in January 2018 and these issues could be revisited as part of this exercise.


Areas of concern raised by the Forum related to the proposed locations for the ‘kiss and drop’ layby, which was felt to be too distant from the station, the need for disabled parking bays at the station, the raised table in the High Street, the shop fronts at the station and whether bus operators could be encouraged to review their service routes.


In response, Mr Watson explained that:


-        The raised table in the High Street was a traffic calming feature intended to encourage drivers to consider their environment.  It was confirmed that motorists had priority over pedestrians. 


-        The shop fronts at the station were not currently part of discussions with Network Rail but could be incorporated. 


-        Disabled parking bays would be provided by South Eastern at the rear of the station.  Details related to these bays would be shared once finalised.


-        Bus services and routes could be looked at as part of the High Street review.


Members felt strongly that the current ‘kiss and drop’ should be retained outside the station as the proposed relocation of the layby to Priory Road was too far and not convenient for travellers.  In addition, Members encouraged consideration to be given to improving and supporting taxis.


However, Members also recognised and appreciated that the High Street had been greatly improved and all were encouraged to participate in the consultation. 

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