Agenda item

Establishment Changes

LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual


(LGA 1972 Sch 12A Paragraph 1 – Information relating to an individual)


The report of the Director of Central Services set out for approval a number of establishment changes arising from the ongoing operational management of the Council’s services.


RESOLVED:  That the proposals and establishment adjustments set out in the report be endorsed as follows:


(1)                                          the extension of the grades attaching to posts DG0009, DJ0003, and DF0101 (from 3/4 to 3/4/5) from 1 December 2017;

(2)                                        the establishment of a new Civil Enforcement Officer Supervisor post, scale 4, 37 hours per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(3)                                        the hours of the Senior Administration Officer post DE0513 scale 4/5 be reduced from 37 to 22.5 per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(4)                                          the hours of the Administration Officer post DE0505 scale 2/3 be reduced from 25 to 22.5 per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(5)                                          the establishment of a temporary scale 6 Senior Waste & Enforcement Support Officer 21.5 hours per week with immediate effect until 31 March 2019;

(6)                                        the increase in the hours of post DG02013 Waste & Enforcement Support Officer scale 4 from 15 to 30.5 hours per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(7)                                        the deletion of post DG2014 Waste & Enforcement Support Officer scale 4, 15.5 hours per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(8)                                        the establishment of the post of Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Support Officer grade SO, 15 hours a week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(9)                                          the creation of a budget of £35,000 to fund anticipated enhancements to the Council’s staff emergency call out arrangements, and the delegation of authority to Management Team to determine the details of these arrangements;  

(10)                               the reduction of the hours of post DB0201 Personnel & Development Manager from 37 to 22.5 per week with effect from the commencement of the employment of the new Personnel Adviser;

(11)                               the establishment of a post of Personnel Adviser, 37 hours per week, M9 with effect from 1 February 2018;

(12)                               the hours of post DA1001 Building & Facilities Manager, M6 be reduced from 37 to 22.5 per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(13)                               the balance of £5,957 remaining from the re-structure within Central Services be ring fenced pending further adjustments to the establishment;

(14)                               the reduction in the hours of post DF0528 Overpayment Recovery Assistant  scale 3/4 from 37 to 22.5 hours per week with effect from 1 April 2018;

(15)                               the deletion of vacant post Clerical Support Officer DF0513 scale 1/2, 20 hours per week with effect from 1 February 2018;

(16)                               a new post of Overpayment Recovery Clerk scale 1/2, 37 hours per week be established with effect from 1 February 2018;

(17)                               the post of Systems and Support Manager DF0521 SO/M9 be deleted with effect from 1 February 2018;

(18)                               a new post of Revenue & Benefits Business Support Manager M8, 37 hours per week be created with effect from 1 February 2018 and the existing incumbent of post DF0521 be re-deployed to this post;

(19)                               the post of Revenue & Benefits Liaison Manager DF0907 SO/M9 be deleted with effect from 1 February 2018;

(20)                               the savings of £42,284 from the establishment changes outlined in paragraph 1.7 to the report be ring fenced pending a review of the Revenue and Benefits team;

(21)                               the post  of Exchequer Services Manager DF0403 M8, 22.5 hours per week be deleted with effect from 1 April 2018;

(22)                               the post of Payroll Officer DF0406 SO, 28 hours per week be deleted with effect from 1 April 2018;

(23)                               a new post of Exchequer Services and Systems Manager M9/M8, 37 hours per week be created with effect from 1 April 2018 and the existing incumbent of post DF0406 be re-deployed to this post;

(24)                               the hours of post DF0409 Exchequer Assistant scale 2/3 be reduced from 32 hours to 22.5 hours per week with effect from 1 April 2018; and

(25)                               the hours of post DF0412 Exchequer Assistant scale 2/3 be increased from 30 to 37 per week with effect from 1 April 2018.