Agenda item

TM/17/02655/FL - Land West of Rochester Road, Rochester


Hybrid planning application (land west of Rochester Road, Rochester):  


(A)        Full planning application for the creation of a new vehicular access to Rochester Road, the erection of buildings with up to 2,226sqm of floor space for storage, distribution use and wholesale trade distribution (Class B8) and/or use for general industry (Class B2) including layout of internal road and hardstanding with the installation of services (Phase 1)


(B)        Outline planning application with all matters except access reserved, for the erection of buildings with up to 2,021sqm of floor space for use with storage, distribution, wholesale trade distribution (Class B8), general industry (Class B2) and/or offices (Class B1) including the change of use of up to 1,470sqm of open land to storage and distribution (Class B8) and the layout of internal roads and hardstanding with the installation of services (Phase 2)


RESOLVED:  That planning permission be GRANTED in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, subject to


(1)         Additional Condition:


22.  No development in any phase shall commence until a construction management plan for that phase has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The construction of the development of the relevant phase shall thereafter take place in strict accordance with the plan approved for that phase.


Reason:  To ensure the safe and free flow of traffic


(2)         Amended Conditions:


5. No development of any phase of the development shall take place above ground level, until such time that a scheme of hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment in that phase including a scheme for the future management of the communal open spaces has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The scheme of soft landscaping shall be designed to enhance the existing boundary screening of the site wherever possible, particularly the northern site boundary.  All planting, seeding and turfing comprised in the approved scheme of landscaping shall be implemented during the first planting season following occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development comprised in the relevant phase of the development, whichever is the earlier.  Any trees or shrubs removed, dying, being seriously damaged or diseased within 10 years of planting shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees or shrubs of similar size and species, unless the Authority gives written consent to any variation.  Any boundary fences or walls or similar structures as may be approved shall be erected before first occupation of the building to which they relate. 


Reason:  Pursuant to Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to protect and enhance the appearance and character of the site and locality.


6. No development in any phase of development, other than that expressly required in compliance with conditions 19 and 22, shall commence on site until such time as the design, materials and construction methods to be adopted for the proposed works (hardstanding, drainage, safety and other boundary treatment) in the vicinity of the site boundary with the M2 have been submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.  All works shall be compliant with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.


Reason: To ensure that the M2 Motorway continues to be an effective part of the national system of routes for through traffic in accordance with section 10 of the Highways Act 1980 and to satisfy the reasonable requirements of road safety.


14. No development in any phase of development, other than that expressly required in compliance with conditions 19 and 22, shall commence until a detailed sustainable surface water drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to (and approved in writing by) the local planning authority. The detailed drainage scheme shall be based on the proposals documented in the Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by The Civil Engineering Practice, Sept. 2017, and demonstrate that the surface water generated by this development (for all rainfall durations and intensities up to and including the climate change adjusted critical 100 year storm) can be accommodated and disposed of within the curtilage of the site without increase to flood risk on or off-site. The drainage scheme shall also demonstrate that silt and pollutants resulting from the site use and construction can be adequately managed to ensure there is no pollution risk to receiving waters.


Reason: To ensure the development is served by satisfactory arrangements for the disposal of surface water and to ensure that the development does not exacerbate the risk of on/off site flooding.


19. No development of any phase of the development (or part thereof) shall take place other than as required as part of the cut and fill re-profiling and site, below ground works and investigation works until the following have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority:


(a) results of the site investigations (including any necessary intrusive investigations) and a risk assessment of the degree and nature of any contamination on site and the impact on human health, controlled waters and the wider environment. These results shall include a detailed remediation method statement informed by the site investigation results and associated risk assessment, which details how the particular phase of development (or part thereof) will be made suitable for its approved end use through removal or mitigation measures. The method statement must include details of all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives, remediation criteria, timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme must ensure that the particular phase of development (or part thereof) cannot be determined as Contaminated Land as defined under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (or as otherwise amended). The submitted scheme shall include details of arrangements for responding to any discovery of unforeseen contamination during the undertaking hereby permitted. Such arrangements shall include a requirement to notify the Local Planning Authority in writing of the presence of any such unforeseen contamination along with a timetable of works to be undertaken to make the site suitable for its approved end use.


(b) prior to the commencement of each phase of the development (or part thereof) the relevant approved remediation scheme shall be carried out as approved. The Local Planning Authority should be given a minimum of two weeks written notification of the commencement of the remediation scheme works.


Reason: In the interests of amenity, public safety and human health and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (paragraph 121).


Supporting documents: