Agenda item

Leader's Announcements


The Leader began by commending the Civic Service and the welcome provided by Tonbridge Baptist Church which reflected the Mayor’s own links with the local community.


Business Rates Retention pilot


The Leader referred to the Kent and Medway authorities’ successful application to be a pilot in the financial year 2018/19.  He indicated that the scheme came in two packages.  First, a Financial Sustainability Fund, this authority’s projected allocation in October 2017 being £560,000.  Latest business rate returns in January projected a higher allocation but the final settlement was subject to potential market movement.


The second package was the Housing and Commercial Growth Fund of £1.055 million to be divided across West Kent with agreement of all three districts and KCC.   Proposals were still under discussion with the County Council but it was hoped to be able to report to the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board at its September meeting.


Members were advised that the Government was now inviting bids for a second round of Business Rates Retention; this one being slightly different in that the allocation was 75 per cent retention.  The Kent Council Leaders had agreed to make a fresh bid for 2019/20 although the deadline of 25 September would be tight and indications suggested that existing pilot authorities would not be included in the second round.  Again, it was expected that the terms of the Kent and Medway bid would be reported to the Economic Regeneration Advisory Board at its next meeting.


The Leader reported that the long anticipated consultation on negative Revenue Support Grant was now published.  The Government had indicated that it considered direct elimination of Negative RSG via foregone business rates receipts the preferred approach, meeting the key criteria of being both fair and affordable. It was necessary to see what it meant for this authority and the Council’s suggested response was likely to be reported to the next meeting of the Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board.


Income generation


The Leader said that members of the Audit Committee would be aware that £5 million had been committed to the Property Investment Fund.  Thus far the property funds had recorded a return of 3.74 %, broadly in line with the forecast return of 4%.  Dividends to the end of June of £30,900 were £900 above profiled budget for the year but performance against budget for the year as a whole would be influenced by the amount and timing of additional property fund investments.  This was clearly a step in the right direction and an endorsement of the approach taken by Members in supporting such investments.




The Leader referred to his report to the April meeting that the Borough Council had committed up to £1.6 million of development contributions for the purchase of temporary accommodation with the intention that such property be located in both the north and south of the Borough.  He was pleased to report that a dwelling of six flats located in Tonbridge was under offer and hoped that some suitable accommodation in the north of the Borough could be identified.


Green Flag Awards


Members were advised that the Council’s country parks continued to receive the highest recommendation for their quality.  Haysden Country Park had been awarded a Green Flag Award for the thirteenth year and Leybourne Lakes Country Park for the twelfth year in a row making both officially two of the very best parks in the UK.


Community Alcohol Partnership


The Leader was pleased to attend the recent launch of the Tonbridge Community Alcohol Partnership, the second to be working within the Borough, the other being in Snodland which had been running successfully since 2012.  There were now over 150 CAPs across the UK which had enjoyed considerable success as a tried and tested way of driving down underage drinking.  They also underlined the merits of true partnership and the evidence from Snodland was that by working together, trading standards, the police, businesses, the Borough Council and Snodland Town Council were bringing better, safer and friendlier neighbourhoods.


Future activity


The Leader wished those Members and officers going away on holiday in August a refreshing and enjoyable break.  He said that September would be a busy month for all with a number of meetings of both the Cabinet and Council in addition to the programmed meetings of various committees, boards and panels.

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