Agenda item

Review of Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Development

The report presents a review of the Council’s approach to youth engagement, sports and events development and makes a number of suggestions for future delivery, together with potential associated savings.


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services presented a review of the Council’s approach to youth engagement, sports and events development which focused on the costs and benefits of these three discretionary service areas, suggested a number of improvements for future service delivery and identified potential savings which could contribute to the Council’s Savings and Transformation Strategy.  The Committee was reminded of the scope of the review which had included an assessment of whether the activities funded by allocated revenue budgets continued to provide value for money, explored partnership opportunities and sought assurance that there was no duplication of service, demonstrated links to the Council’s key priorities and examined the potential scope to generate external funding to help support services and reduce overall costs.  In order to assist Members in the evaluation of each service area Annexes 1 to 3 of the report outlined the purpose of each service, current delivery arrangements, partnership involvement and the allocation of resources.  An assessment of value for money, associated risks, suggested way forward and potential associated savings were also provided.  A report from the Town Team on the management of events in Tonbridge, details of event management, youth and play development and sports development expenditure 2017/18, comments received from the Tonbridge and Malling Community Safety Partnership and a list of schools involved in the Youth Forum were circulated at the meeting. 


During consideration of the report a number of additional issues were raised and it was suggested that Cabinet be invited to consider the following:-


(1)          that additional income generating opportunities be explored to include the potential to re-charge licensing costs to organisers of commercial events and the potential introduction of an administration fee for community events on Council land dependent on, and related to, the scale;


(2)          that the proposal put forward by the Tonbridge Town Team to establish a joint working group to help co-ordinate and develop events be investigated;


(3)          that a further review of the costs and benefits of marketing and publicity activities across all Council services be undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a view to reducing such costs where possible;


(4)          that wider use of social media to promote youth activities be encouraged;


(5)          that a wider participation of schools across the Borough in the Youth Forum be promoted via the Enterprise Advisor Network; and


(6)          that a report be made to the Communities and Housing Advisory Board in one year’s time to update on progress made in relation to the recommendations arising from the Review of Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Development.


The Committee concluded that the services supported the Council’s key priorities, offered value for money, attracted investment into the Borough and, in addition to a direct level of income, provided broader economic, health and social benefits.  It was, therefore




(1)          the contribution made by the Council’s delivery of Youth Engagement, Sports and Events Services to the achievement of its strategic objectives be acknowledged;


(2)          the suggested changes to the existing delivery arrangements, as outlined in the report and at Annexes 1 to 3, be agreed; and


(3)          the associated savings of £14,940 to the Council’s Annual Revenue Budget be included and reflected in the 2018/19 Revised Revenue Budgets. 

Supporting documents: