Agenda item

Update on Waste Services Contract


The Head of Street Scene and Leisure and the Waste Contract Officer provided an update on the procurement process for the new Waste Services Contract.  Members were reminded that the current refuse and recycling collections and street cleansing contract ended in February 2019 and was being retendered on a partnership basis with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and in liaison with Kent County Council.


Following consideration by the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board and the Extraordinary Cabinet on 4 September 2018 the new South West Kent Waste Partnership contract was due to be awarded.  Although this would commence on 1 March 2019 the existing service would continue while arrangements were made to launch the new service.   The name of the successful contractor would be announced on 25 September 2018. 


The new contract enabled a much improved service to be delivered to residents and included:


-        Weekly food waste collection;

-        Fortnightly collection of residual waste;

-        Alternative fortnightly collection of plastics, cartons, cans and glass (mixed dry recyclate) in a wheeled bin with a separate container for paper and card;

-        A separate fortnightly collection of garden waste (as an ‘opt in’ charged service); and

-        Additional collection of textiles, small electrical items (WEEE) and household batteries


It was reported that the proposals maintained the current frequency of high speed roads cleansing, which was the highest in Kent, retained the Saturday bulky waste collection service and would contribute to the Borough Council’s Savings and Transformation Strategy.


Particular reference was made to the proposed introduction of ‘opt-in’ charges for the collection of garden waste.  Members were advised that the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board and the Cabinet had recommended to Council a standard charge of £40 per year, with further detail related to any introductory offers to be considered by the Advisory Board at a future date.    It was explained that these ‘opt-in’ charges would support the enhanced recycling service, particularly the introduction of kerbside collection for plastics and glass.   The Forum was reminded that all the Borough Council’s fees and charges were reviewed on an annual basis and this would also apply to the ‘opt-in’ for garden waste collection.


Residents would be fully informed of all details and an independent PR consultant had been engaged to develop a Marketing and Communication Strategy.  The Borough Council recognised that effective communication and messaging was vital in promoting the new service. 


Members welcomed the proposals, which delivered a much improved service, and encouraged increased recycling of plastics and glass. There was also the potential to include additional services such as the collection of small electrical items, textiles and batteries.   However, it was noted that a significant amount of work remained to ensure the smooth introduction of the new service.


The Forum participated in significant discussion on a number of issues including the use of bags for properties where bins were not possible; availability of additional bins and associated charging; cross contamination of bins due to their change of use; recycling rates within Tonbridge and Malling; the benefits of home composting and concerns around the seasonal nature of garden waste.  In addition, the future of ‘bring sites’ and collection of light bulbs was raised.


In response Members were advised that all options regarding the contract, service options and collection methods, including the future of ‘bring sites’ were subject to further review and discussion with the preferred contractor, the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board and the Cabinet.   However, in regard to the ‘bring sites’ it had been agreed that these would be reduced to ten key locations across the Borough following the introduction of the new kerbside collections.  These sites would be reviewed following a further 12 months to assess demand and need.


The Forum was also advised that a pragmatic approach had been taken to use existing resources and containers.  Officers were confident that the risk of cross contamination due to change of use was minimal.  However, there was the option to offer cleaning of bins where appropriate but this was subject to further consideration.


It was also unlikely that light bulbs would be collected for recycling unless an efficient and cost effective solution could be identified.  Shops were required to help customers recycle old bulbs for free by offering an in-store ‘take back scheme’ or paying towards a recycling service and retailers should be encouraged to honour this requirement.


In conclusion, the new Waste Services Contract aimed to offer a fairer service accessible to all. 

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