Erection of a temporary marquee on the site to be used in conjunction with the existing lapa for weddings/events; the erection of 3 holiday let units (timber pods); and utilisation of existing access from Teston Road, Kentfield Farm, Tower Hill, Offham.
RESOLVED: That temporary planning permission be GRANTED for a period of 1 year in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health; subject to
(1) Amended Conditions:
4. The development shall not be brought into use until a detailed Management Plan for the operation of the events/functions has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include:
provisions outlining how the holiday lets and existing lodge
building are to be used during or in conjunction with the
measures to monitor, control and manage noise from the events,
including from areas outside of the lapa/marquee;
provisions to manage vehicles entering, leaving and parking on the
provisions to maintain and regenerate the grassed areas on the site
used for parking for the events;
measures to reduce the total number of vehicles accessing the site
for events;
- measures to ensure that vehicle movements along Tower Hill from the uses will be minimised.
The events/functions shall at all times thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved Management Plan.
Reason: To minimise noise and other nuisance and visual impact from the operation of the development.
8. The events/functions shall not be operational outside of the hours 1100 to 2300 and all persons shall vacate the site by midnight.
Reason: To adequately protect the amenities of residents in the local area.
9. The events/functions shall be conducted in strict accordance with Section 14 ‘Mitigation and Management’ of the submitted Environmental Impact Assessment (Noise) Report (Prepared by SPL Tract Limited – updated 17 January 2019). This shall include loudspeakers being positioned only in the lapa facing south and the installation of two solid partitions behind the loudspeakers to act as baffles. A noise limiter shall be used to ensure that noise levels in the Lodge do not exceed 95dBLAeq(15) as recommended by the Code of Practice.
Reason: To adequately protect the aural amenity of residents in the local area.
(2) Additional Conditions:
16. Any live music or performances in the marquee shall be restricted to non-amplified acoustic instruments only with the use of amplified equipment restricted to background music or spoken words only. No music or amplified sound shall be played outside of the lapa or marquee.
Reason: To adequately protect the amenities of residents in the local area.
17. The development hereby permitted shall cease on or before 31 March 2020. On or before this date, the development carried out in pursuance to this permission shall be demolished/removed from the site in totality and the land restored to its former condition and used in accordance with a scheme which shall have been previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In order to ensure that the development will not harm residential amenities in the locality.
18. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) and the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended), the land subject to this permission shall not be used for any purpose other than those permitted under this planning permission.
Reason: In the interests of the character and visual amenity of the area and neighbouring amenities.
[Speakers: Offham Parish Council – David Frankling; Peter Lloyd-Williams, Susanne Young, Beverly Berman and Claire Innes – members of the public and Mr Barwick/Mr Beale – applicant/sound specialist]
Supporting documents: