Agenda item

Appointment of Committees

To consider the establishment and composition of the Committees of the Council and their Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:  That appointments to the Committees of the Council for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(18 members)


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor M Base

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor J Botten

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor C Brown

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor M Davis

Councillor M Hood


Councillor A Keeley

Councillor D Keers

Councillor Mrs A Oakley

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor M Taylor

Councillor Miss G Thomas

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor F Tombolis



Licensing and Appeals Committee

(15 members)


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor M Base

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor C Brown

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor D Keers

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor D King


Councillor Mrs R Lettington

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor R Roud

Councillor N Stapleton

Councillor M Taylor

Councillor F Tombolis

Councillor – Vacancy (Green)#

[# subsequently notified as

A Clark]


General Purposes Committee

(14 members)


Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor Mrs S Bell

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor D Cooper

Councillor D Davis

Councillor Mrs F Kemp


Councillor K King

Councillor B Luker

Councillor L O’Toole

Councillor W Palmer

Councillor N Stapleton

Councillor Mrs M Tatton

Councillor – Vacancy (Green)#

[# subsequently notified as

M Hood]


Audit Committee

(9 members)


Councillor T Bishop

Councillor V Branson

Councillor N Foyle

Councillor P Hickmott

Councillor S Hudson


Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor J Lark

Councillor L O’Toole

Councillor K Tanner




Joint Standards Committee

(13 members + 6 parish members)


Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor Mrs S Bell

Councillor R Cannon

Councillor A Clark #

Councillor D Davis

Councillor Mrs T Dean

Councillor A Kennedy

Councillor Mrs C Langridge

Councillor D Lettington

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor M Taylor

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor C Williams

[# subsequently substituted by P Hickmott]


(Parish members to be appointed from a pool of nominated representatives)

A Hearing Panel will be appointed from members of the Joint Standards Committee as necessary.

Area 1 Planning Committee


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor J Botten

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor V Branson

Councillor G Bridge

Councillor A Clark

Councillor M Davis

Councillor N Foyle

Councillor N Heslop


Councillor M Hood

Councillor F Hoskins

Councillor D King

Councillor K King

Councillor J Lark

Councillor M Rhodes

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Miss G Thomas

Councillor F Tombolis

(For the Wards of Cage Green; Castle; that part of the Hadlow and East Peckham Ward within the parish of Hadlow; Higham; Hildenborough; Judd; Medway; Trench; and Vauxhall)


Area 2 Planning Committee


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor R Betts

Councillor C Brown

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor S Hudson

Councillor Mrs F Kemp

Councillor Mrs C Langridge

Councillor B Luker

Councillor P Montague


Councillor L O’Toole

Councillor W Palmer

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor T Shaw

Councillor N Stapleton

Councillor K Tanner

Councillor M Taylor


(For the Wards of Borough Green and Long Mill; Downs and Mereworth; that part of the Hadlow and East Peckham Ward outside the parish of Hadlow; Kings Hill; Wateringbury; West Malling and Leybourne; and Wrotham, Ightham and Stansted)


Area 3 Planning Committee


Councillor M Base

Councillor Mrs S Bell

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor R Cannon

Councillor D Cooper

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor D Davis

Councillor Mrs T Dean

Councillor S Hammond

Councillor P Hickmott


Councillor A Keeley

Councillor D Keers

Councillor A Kennedy

Councillor D Lettington

Councillor Mrs R Lettington

Councillor Mrs A Oakley

Councillor R Roud

Councillor Mrs M Tatton

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor C Williams

(For the Wards of Aylesford North and Walderslade; Aylesford South; Burham and Wouldham; Ditton; East Malling; Larkfield North; Larkfield South; Snodland East and Ham Hill; and Snodland West and Holborough Lakes)

Supporting documents: