To appoint Advisory Panels and Boards and Other Member Groups for the ensuing year. (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).
RESOLVED: That appointments to the Advisory Panels, Boards and other Member Groups of the Council for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:
Parish Partnership Panel |
Councillor Mrs J Anderson Councillor R Betts Councillor M Coffin * Councillor R Dalton Councillor N Heslop ** Councillor P Hickmott Councillor F Hoskins Councillor S Hudson Councillor Mrs C Langridge Councillor D Lettington Councillor B Luker Councillor M Rhodes Councillor M Taylor
Tonbridge Forum |
Councillor Mrs J Anderson Councillor Mrs P Bates Councillor M Boughton Councillor V Branson Councillor G Bridge Councillor N Heslop ** Councillor D King Councillor K King Councillor J Lark * Councillor M Rhodes Councillor Miss G Thomas Councillor F Tombolis Councillor – Vacancy (Green)# [# subsequently notified as A Clark]
Communities and Housing Advisory Board |
Councillor Mrs J Anderson Councillor Mrs S Bell Councillor J Botten ** Councillor R Dalton Councillor N Foyle Councillor S Hammond * Councillor F Hoskins Councillor S Hudson Councillor K King Councillor Mrs R Lettington Councillor L O’Toole Councillor Mrs M Tatton Councillor Miss G Thomas Councillor D Thornewell Councillor - Vacancy (TBC)# Councillor - Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as P Hickmott and W Palmer]
Economic Regeneration Advisory Board |
Councillor G Bridge Councillor R Cannon Councillor Mrs T Dean Councillor N Foyle Councillor F Hoskins Councillor A Keeley Councillor D King Councillor J Lark Councillor B Luker ** Councillor L O’Toole Councillor Miss J Sergison Councillor K Tanner Councillor F Tombolis * Councillor C Willliams Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as M Hood and W Palmer]
Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board |
Councillor M Base ** Councillor T Bishop Councillor J Botten Councillor G Bridge Councillor C Brown Councillor R Cannon Councillor M Davis Councillor K King Councillor Mrs R Lettington Councillor H Rogers Councillor K Tanner Councillor Mrs M Tatton Councillor Miss G Thomas * Councillor F Tombolis Councillor C Williams Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as A Clark]
Planning and Transportation Advisory Board |
Councillor T Bishop Councillor J Botten * Councillor M Boughton Councillor V Branson Councillor D Cooper Councillor R Dalton ** Councillor D Davis Councillor M Davis Councillor S Hudson Councillor D Keers Councillor D King Councillor Mrs C Langridge Councillor H Rogers Councillor N Stapleton Councillor D Thornewell Councillor - Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as M Taylor]
Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board |
Councillor Mrs S Bell * Councillor G Bridge Councillor D Cooper Councillor D Davis Councillor M Davis ** Councillor S Hammond Councillor F Hoskins Councillor A Keeley Councillor D Keers Councillor A Kennedy Councillor Mrs C Langridge Councillor R Roud Councillor Miss J Sergison Councillor Miss G Thomas Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as M Hood and T Shaw]
Electoral Review Working Group |
Councillor J Botten Councillor M Boughton Councillor M Coffin Councillor N Heslop ** Councillor A Kennedy * Councillor D Lettington Councillor P Montague Councillor D Thornewell Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as M Taylor]
Housing Associations Liaison Panel |
Councillor N Foyle Councillor S Hammond Councillor A Keeley Councillor P Montague ** Councillor Mrs M Tatton
Joint Employee Consultative Committee
Councillor Mrs J Anderson * Councillor R Betts Councillor T Bishop Councillor M Coffin ** Councillor D Keers Councillor J Lark Councillor B Luker Councillor Mrs A Oakley Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)# [# subsequently notified as T Shaw] |
Joint Transportation Board
Chairmanship with TMBC, Vice-Chairmanship with KCC in 2019/20 |
Councillor R Betts Councillor V Branson Councillor D Davis Councillor A Kennedy Councillor D Lettington ** Councillor N Stapleton Councillor M Taylor
* Denotes Vice-Chairman
Supporting documents: