Agenda item

Appointment of Advisory Panels and Boards and Other Member Groups

To appoint Advisory Panels and Boards and Other Member Groups for the ensuing year.  (Details of nominations will be circulated at the meeting).


RESOLVED:  That appointments to the Advisory Panels, Boards and other Member Groups of the Council for the ensuing municipal year be made as follows:







Parish Partnership Panel


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor R Betts

Councillor M Coffin *

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor N Heslop **

Councillor P Hickmott

Councillor F Hoskins

Councillor S Hudson

Councillor Mrs C Langridge

Councillor D Lettington

Councillor B Luker

Councillor M Rhodes

Councillor M Taylor



Tonbridge Forum


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Mrs P Bates

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor V Branson

Councillor G Bridge

Councillor N Heslop **

Councillor D King

Councillor K King

Councillor J Lark *

Councillor M Rhodes

Councillor Miss G Thomas

Councillor F Tombolis

Councillor – Vacancy (Green)#

[# subsequently notified as

A Clark]



Communities and Housing Advisory Board


Councillor Mrs J Anderson

Councillor Mrs S Bell

Councillor J Botten **

Councillor R Dalton

Councillor N Foyle

Councillor S Hammond *

Councillor F Hoskins

Councillor S Hudson

Councillor K King

Councillor Mrs R Lettington

Councillor L O’Toole

Councillor Mrs M Tatton

Councillor Miss G Thomas

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor - Vacancy (TBC)#

Councillor  - Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

P Hickmott and W Palmer]



Economic Regeneration Advisory Board


Councillor G Bridge

Councillor R Cannon

Councillor Mrs T Dean

Councillor N Foyle

Councillor F Hoskins

Councillor A Keeley

Councillor D King

Councillor J Lark

Councillor B Luker **

Councillor L O’Toole

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor K Tanner

Councillor F Tombolis *

Councillor C Willliams

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

M Hood and W Palmer]



Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board


Councillor M Base **

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor J Botten

Councillor G Bridge

Councillor C Brown

Councillor R Cannon

Councillor M Davis

Councillor K King

Councillor Mrs R Lettington

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor K Tanner

Councillor Mrs M Tatton

Councillor Miss G Thomas *

Councillor F Tombolis

Councillor C Williams

Councillor –  Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

A Clark]



Planning and Transportation Advisory Board


Councillor T Bishop

Councillor J Botten *

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor V Branson

Councillor D Cooper

Councillor R Dalton **

Councillor D Davis

Councillor M Davis

Councillor S Hudson

Councillor D Keers

Councillor D King

Councillor Mrs C Langridge

Councillor H Rogers

Councillor N Stapleton

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor  - Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

M Taylor]



Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board


Councillor Mrs S Bell *

Councillor G Bridge

Councillor D Cooper

Councillor D Davis

Councillor M Davis **

Councillor S Hammond

Councillor F Hoskins

Councillor A Keeley

Councillor D Keers

Councillor A Kennedy

Councillor Mrs C Langridge

Councillor R Roud

Councillor Miss J Sergison

Councillor Miss G Thomas

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

M Hood and T Shaw]



Electoral Review Working Group


Councillor J Botten

Councillor M Boughton

Councillor M Coffin

Councillor N Heslop **

Councillor A Kennedy *

Councillor D Lettington

Councillor P Montague

Councillor D Thornewell

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

M Taylor]



Housing Associations Liaison Panel


Councillor N Foyle

Councillor S Hammond

Councillor A Keeley

Councillor P Montague **

Councillor Mrs M Tatton



Joint Employee Consultative Committee



Councillor Mrs J Anderson *

Councillor R Betts

Councillor T Bishop

Councillor M Coffin **

Councillor D Keers

Councillor J Lark

Councillor B Luker

Councillor Mrs A Oakley

Councillor – Vacancy (TBC)#

[# subsequently notified as

T Shaw]


Joint Transportation Board



Chairmanship with TMBC,

Vice-Chairmanship with KCC in 2019/20


Councillor R Betts

Councillor V Branson

Councillor D Davis

Councillor A Kennedy

Councillor D Lettington **

Councillor N Stapleton

Councillor M Taylor


** Denotes Chairman

 * Denotes Vice-Chairman





Supporting documents: