Agenda item

TM/19/01632/FL - Development Site, South Part of West Kent College, Brook Street, Tonbridge


Demolition of existing buildings and development of 51 dwellings along with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking and landscaping at development site, south part of West Kent College, Brook Street, Tonbridge.


RESOLVED:  That planning permission be GRANTED, subject to


(1)             The applicant and West Kent College entering in to a planning obligation with the Borough Council to agree to undertake measures set out in the Travel Plan;


(2)             The applicant entering into a planning obligation with the Borough Council to make financial contributions towards the enhancement of existing open spaces within the local area;


(3)             The applicant entering into a planning obligation with Kent County Council to make financial contributions towards the enhancement of Judd School, local library provision and adult education services;


(4)             The submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the main report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health;


(5)             The amended conditions set out in the supplementary report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health (set out below);


15.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order amending, revoking and re-enacting that Order) no development in respect of the dwellings within plots 1-8 inclusive shall be carried out within Classes A,B,C or E of Part 1: of Schedule 2 of that Order


Reason:  In order to protect the residential amenity of the neighbouring residential properties.


17.  The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the details shown on the following drawings:


Sections  2675.1-A-1011-A  received 10.07.2019, Sections  2675.1-A-1012-A  received 10.07.2019, Existing Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-1100-A Nursery received 10.07.2019, Existing Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-1101-A Oaks building received 10.07.2019, Proposed Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-3000-B  received 10.07.2019, Proposed Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-3005-B  received 10.07.2019, Proposed Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-3010-B  received 10.07.2019, Proposed Plans and Elevations  2675.1-A-3015-B  received 10.07.2019, Proposed Floor Plans  2675.1-A-3700-B  received 10.07.2019, Proposed Elevations  2675.1-A-3701-A  received 10.07.2019, Site Layout  2675.1-A-1005-J  received 18.07.2019, Sections  2675.1-C-1210.1-PL-A  received 10.07.2019, Street Scenes  2675.1-C-1211-PL-A  received 10.07.2019, Street Scenes  2675.1-C-1212-PL-A  received 10.07.2019, Sections  2675.1-C-1213-PL-G  received 18.07.2019, Section  2675.1-C-1216-PL-A  received 10.07.2019, Site Layout  26751A1004A  received 10.07.2019, Plan  26751A1006A Separation distance received 10.07.2019, Section  26751A1010A Existing received 10.07.2019, Proposed Elevations  2675.1-A-3702-A  received 12.07.2019, Tree Protection Plan  ASH21697-03C SHEET 1 OF 2  received 16.07.2019, Tree Protection Plan  ASH21697-03C SHEET 2 OF 2  received 16.07.2019, Landscape Layout  1534/001 M  received 18.07.2019, Plan  2675.1-A-1005.1-E Site Analysis received 18.07.2019, Location Plan  2675.1-A-1000-A  received 10.07.2019


Reason:  To ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings.


(6)             The following additional Condition:


18.  No above ground works shall take place save for the works to Dame Kelly Holmes Way as detailed on Drawing 2017/4089/004 Rev E Proposed Access Arrangements (contained within the Transport Assessment) until details of external lighting within the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The lighting scheme shall be installed in accordance with the approved scheme prior to the first occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted.


Reason:  To ensure that appropriate lighting is provided as an integral part of the development in the interests of amenity.


[Speakers:  Tracy Puttock, applicant and Simon Moon, agent who shared the speaking time allocation]

Supporting documents: