Agenda item

Parking Action Plan - Phase 11 and Access Scheme 2

This report covers the investigation and informal consultation stage of the parking restriction proposals contained in Phase 11 of the Parking Action Plan, and seeks approval to proceed to formal consultation.

It also covers the formal consultation on proposals in Access Scheme – a subset of locations where the Council has applied a streamlined process for the consideration and promotion of minor changes to the public highway.

Annex 4 (Consultation responses to phase 11) is not included in the agenda pack due to the large size of the document and is to follow.



Decision Number D190070MEM


The report of the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services presented the outcome of the investigation and informal consultation stages of the 40 parking restriction proposals contained in Phase 11 of the Parking Action Plan and sought approval to proceed to formal consultation in respect of 32 locations.  It was noted that 5 of the original locations had been considered under the Access Scheme, a streamlined process applied to the consideration and promotion of minor changes to the public highway, details of which were set out at Annex 6 to the report.




(1)          subject to the abandonment of the scheme at Shakespeare Road, Tonbridge (Location reference 11.27) to allow it to be redrafted; and the proposal to proceed with the scheme at Fairfield Crescent, Tonbridge (Location reference 11.33), the recommendation for each location in Phase 11 shown in Annex 1 to the report be adopted and, where appropriate, be taken forward to formal consultation; and


(2)          subject to the amendment of the afternoon parking restriction times for the single yellow lines in Kings Road, Tonbridge (Location reference 11-31) to reduce the times from Noon-3.30pm to 2pm-3.30pm, the recommendation for each location in Access Scheme 2 shown in Annex 6 to the report be adopted and, where appropriate, the proposals be implemented.

Supporting documents: