Agenda item

(A) TM/18/03008/0A and (B) TM/18/03042/LB - Development Site East of Clare Park Estate, New Road, East Malling


(A)   Outline Application: Development of the site to provide up to 110 dwellings (Use Class C3) and the site access arrangement. All other matters reserved for future consideration.


RESOLVED:   That outline planning permission be GRANTED in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, subject to


(1)          The applicant entering into a planning obligation with the Borough Council to provide on-site affordable housing and financial contributions towards public open space provision (parks and gardens and outdoor sports facilities) and enhancement and health provision;


(2)          The applicant entering into a planning obligation with Kent County Council to make a financial contribution towards off-site highways junction improvements, public transport, the provision of education facilities and community services;


(3)          The applicant entering into a planning obligation with the Borough Council and Kent County Council to deliver designed highway improvements at the A20/New Road junction.


It is expected that the section 106 agreement should be agreed in principle within 3 months and the legalities completed within 6 months of the committee resolution unless there are good reasons for the delay. Should the agreement under Section 106 of the Act not be completed and signed by all relevant parties by 21 May 2020, a report back to the Area 3 Planning Committee will be made either updating on progress and making a further recommendation or in the alternative the application may be refused under powers delegated to the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health who will determine the specific reasons for refusal in consultation with the Chairman and Ward Members.


(4)          Amend Conditions:


2. Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of two years from the date of this permission.


Reason: In pursuance of Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


4. Omit reference to drawing number EMT – C – 02 Rev. C which is indicative only.


6. The details submitted in pursuance of Condition 1 shall be accompanied by a scheme of landscaping and boundary treatment.  The scheme shall be in general conformity to the indicative layout referenced EMT - C - 09 Rev C received 2 September 2019 and follow the recommendations set out in the Arboricultural Report received 19 December 2018.  The scheme shall ensure the retention of all existing mature boundary trees.  The scheme shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be implemented by the approved date or such other date as may be agreed in writing by the Authority.  Any trees or plants which within 10 years of planting are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.


Reason: In order to protect and enhance the appearance and character of the site and locality.


(5)          Additional Conditions:


23. The partial demolition and rebuilding of the curtilage boundary wall hereby permitted will be carried out in accordance with the details in drawing referenced 182600-012 B received 15 April 2018 and no other openings shall be created thereafter.


Reason:  To retain the visual appearance and function of the historic feature.


24. The construction of the vehicular access onto New Road shall take place fully in accordance with drawing number 182600-012 Rev. B and shall be completed prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


[Speakers: Richard Brooks – East Malling Conservation Group, Liz Simpson – member of the public and Gregory Evans – agent]


(B)   Listed Building Application: Proposed partial demolition of a section of curtilage listed boundary wall to allow for a new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access in connection with an outline planning application (Ref: TM/18/03008/OA) for residential development.


RESOLVED:  That listed building consent be GRANTED in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, subject to


(1)          Additional Condition:


4. The partial demolition and rebuilding of the curtilage boundary wall hereby permitted will be carried out in accordance with the details in drawing referenced 182600-012 B received 15 April 2019 and no other openings shall be created.


Reason:  To retain the visual appearance and function of the historic feature.


[Speakers:  Richard Brooks – East Malling Conservation Group, Liz Simpson – member of the public and Gregory Evans - agent]

Supporting documents: