Agenda item

(A) TM/19/02842/FL and (B) TM/19/02843/LB - Ightham Mote, Mote Road, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks

(A)  Construction of a relocated car park in the lower section of the field to the east of the Walled Garden and the existing car parking area; the restoration of the North Drive, the removal of the temporary Visitor Reception building, the reinstatement of the Walled Garden and the erection of a replacement Visitor Reception and Shop, Glasshouse and Bothy within the restored Walled Garden together with associated landscaping and drainage works, and


(B)  Listed Building Application: construction of a relocated car park in the lower section of the field to the east of the Walled Garden and the existing car parking area; the restoration of the North Drive, the removal of the temporary Visitor Reception building, the reinstatement of the Walled Garden and the erection of a replacement Visitor Reception and Shop, Glasshouse and Bothy within the restored Walled Garden together with associated landscaping and drainage works


(A)            Construction of a relocated car park in the lower section of the field to the east of the Walled Garden and the existing parking area; the restoration of the North Drive, the removal of the temporary Visitor Reception building, the reinstatement of the Walled Garden and the erection of a replacement Visitor Reception and Shop, Glasshouse and Bothy within the restored Walled Garden together with associated landscaping and drainage works; and


(B)            Listed Building Application: construction of a relocated car park in the lower section of the field to the east of the Walled Garden and the existing parking area; the restoration of the North Drive, the removal of the temporary Visitor Reception building, the reinstatement of the Walled Garden and the erection of a replacement Visitor Reception and Shop, Glasshouse and Bothy within the restored Walled Garden together with associated landscaping and drainage works at Ightham Mote, Mote Road, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. 



In respect of application (A) TM/19/02842/FL planning permission be REFUSED for the following reason:-

1. The proposed development insofar as it relates to the new car park, by virtue of its overall scale, siting and layout amounts to inappropriate development which is harmful by definition and also causes material harm to openness and further planning harm to the localised landscape which is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and which cannot be adequately mitigated.  The Local Planning Authority does not consider that the wider scheme that would be derived from the provision of the new car parks would result in benefits that would clearly outweigh those identified harms in totality.  As such, the proposed development is contrary to the requirements of adopted policies CP3 and CP7 of the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Local Plan and paragraphs 143, 144, 145, 146 and 172 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019. 

In respect of application (B) TM/19/02843/LB Listed Building Consent be REFUSED for the following reason:-

1. The proposed development necessitates works to the cluster of Grade I and Grade II Listed Buildings which form part of Ightham Mote and which, in the absence of any acceptable associated development, are not justified which is contrary to paragraph 198 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019. 

[Speakers: Mr N Tyler of Shipbourne Parish Council addressed the committee via video-conferencing; Mr L Henry, Mrs S Berkeley, Ms J Austin, Ms A Farr, Mr D Luther, Mr A Rigney, Mr D Flint, Mrs J Flint, Ms Z Templeman Young on behalf of Prof. C Young, Ms C Templeman, Mrs D Champion, Mr C Killick, Mr G Berkeley, Mr N Davey and Mr T Champion (members of the public) addressed the committee via video-conferencing; written statements were read out by the Democratic Services Officer on behalf of Mr R Bate, Ms L Pearson, Ms K Davey and Mr R Willingham (members of the public); and video statements, provided by Ms E Hawkes (Agent) and Ms B Gillow on behalf of the National Trust (Applicant) in advance of the meeting, were presented to the committee]

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