Agenda item

Street Scene Services Update

Verbal updates will be provided on the following:


-        Waste Services Contract

-        Provision of Household Waste Recycling Centre in Tonbridge and Malling

-        Fly Tipping Enforcement – Days of action

-        Parking Enforcement and funding of Traffic Wardens by parishes (requested by KALC)


Updates were provided on the following:


(a)             Waste Services Contract


The Waste Contract Manager provided an update on the recent performance of the waste service contract and referred to the significant challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic.  These challenges were also exacerbated by issues at the waste disposal sites, increased volumes of waste due to residents being at home for longer periods; the recent heatwave and vehicle breakdowns due to poor maintenance.   


However, the Borough Council had managed to continue its waste service operation during the lockdown measures and only garden waste collection had been suspended for a short period.  As a result, subscriptions to the service were extended for 2 months.


It was also reported that Tonbridge and Malling residents had successfully recycled 58% of waste which was significantly higher than the target set. 


A number of measures had been identified to improve the performance of the contractor and these would be reviewed by the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board on 5 October.


Finally, it was reported that a number of local authorities continued to experience significant disruption and Tonbridge and Malling compared favourably nationally.


In response to a question regarding the number of ‘bring’ sites in the Borough and whether there had been a significant reduction in their use it was suggested that this was discussed at the Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board in October.


(b)             Provision of Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) in Tonbridge and Malling


The County Councillor for Malling North (Councillor Sarah Hohler) advised that Kent County Council’s Planning Committee had unanimously approved the proposal by FCC Environment (UK) Limited to establish a HWRC in Allington.  Further detail was set out in the County Services Update report under Minute Number PPP 20/21.


(c)             Fly Tipping Enforcement – Days of Action


Further to Minute Number PPP 20/3 (c), and as part of the ‘days of action’ campaign, the Borough Council remained committed to educating households to check the credentials of those collecting waste.  These initiatives had been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic and it was hoped that these could be rescheduled in the near future.  Details would be shared with parish/town councils when these were finalised. 


It was reported that a number (10) of fly tipping hotspots would be assessed for potential covert CCTV monitoring. This was subject to further discussion with the Kent Intelligence Unit but it was hoped that this proactive action would improve problem areas.


(d)             Parking Enforcement and funding of Traffic Wardens by parishes


The Kent Association of Local Councils (Tonbridge and Malling branch) referred to a proposal from Shipbourne Parish Council regarding the potential for parish councils to contribute funding for traffic wardens to undertake parking enforcement in their parishes.  The Head of Technical Services provided an overview of the current staffing arrangements and enforcement operations in the Borough.  


The parish councils referred to significant parking issues outside of the working hours of operation of the Parking Enforcement Team and queried whether the enforcement role could be ‘sub-let’ to other organisations.  It was explained that only first (county) and second (borough) tier authorities were allowed to take enforcement action and that Kent Police had powers to deal with parking issues out of hours. 


However, the Head of Technical Services offered to explore all options with parish councils and it was suggested that a virtual webinar be held to discuss concerns and funding. 


Finally, the Panel was reminded that problems could be reported to