Agenda item

Matters Referred from Advisory Boards

The notes of meetings of Advisory Boards are attached, any recommendations identified by an arrow being for determination by the Cabinet. Notices relating to any decisions already taken by Cabinet Members under the arrangements for delegated decision making have previously been circulated.


-       Communities and Housing Advisory Board

-       Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board (2)

-       Planning and Transportation Advisory Board

-       Economic Regeneration Advisory Board

-       Extraordinary meeting of Planning and Transportation Advisory Board

-       Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board – to follow


The Notes of the meetings of the following Advisory Boards were received, any recommendations contained therein being incorporated within the decisions of the Cabinet reproduced at the annex to these Minutes.


-      Communities and Housing Advisory Board of 21 July 2020

-      Finance, Innovation and Property Advisory Board of 22 July & 16 September 2020

-      Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of 28 July 2020

-      Economic Regeneration Advisory Board of 2 September 2020

-      Extraordinary Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of 29  September 2020

-      Street Scene and Environment Services Advisory Board of 5 October 2020


With regard to Parks and Leisure (referred to in Minute Number CH 20/17), the Cabinet Member for Communities was pleased to announce that Leybourne Lakes Country Park and Haysden Country Park had again been awarded Green Flag status.  In addition, Tonbridge Racecourse Sportsground had received the Green Flag award for the first time.  Appreciation was expressed to all staff and volunteers for their hard work and management in receiving these awards, as well as to residents and visitors for using the parks.


The Leader referred to Minute Number PE 20/18 of the Extraordinary meeting of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of 29 September and advised that the letter sent to the Secretary of State related to planning reforms had received some local media coverage. 


Finally, the Cabinet recorded appreciation to all Borough Council staff for maintaining services and continuing to support residents during the current pandemic.  It was recognised that many staff were working from home, located in different places and taking on new roles.


RESOLVED:  That the report be received and noted.


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