Agenda item

Flooding Progress Report


The Borough Council and the Environment Agency (EA) provided an update on the progress made towards addressing flooding matters since the last meeting of the Tonbridge Forum.  Both organisations had worked closely with businesses and residents to support and assist communities with the recovery process and were participating in the county-wide Strategic and Tactical Recovery Coordinating Groups chaired by the County Council as part of the multi-agency recovery strategy.


A multi-agency Technical Working Group had also been established and included representatives from those organisations involved in flood risk management as well as community representatives from Tonbridge, Hildenborough and East Peckham.


It was reported that the Borough Council and the EA had lobbied hard for capital funding to improve flood defence measures.  Members were pleased to note the following funding allocations:


-        Avebury Avenue:  £80,000 for improvements to the flood defence wall

-        Hildenborough:  £200,000 for a flood defence scheme

-        Leigh Flood Storage Area(LFSA):  £100,000 for improvement feasibility


In addition, it was noted that the work on the LFSA was to be brought forward and anticipated to start in 2018.  The EA advised that remodelling of the catchment had begun and would be delivered in November 2014 to assist in developing schemes for the LFSA and Hildenborough.


Members noted that there was no final design yet for the flood defences in Tonbridge and the remodelling should identify any potential areas at flood risk. With regard to the funding allocations the EA were committed to achieving best value and would look carefully at the final design.  However, it was acknowledged that there might be a need to lobby for additional funding.


Work to rebuild/improve Buleys Weir was scheduled to start in July/August 2014; whilst repairs to the river walls near Churchill House were expected to be completed by October 2014.   Consideration would also be given to contingency planning and temporary defences for this winter.   The EA advised of the difficulties in providing temporary measures for some areas but it would try to deliver what it could.  It was unlikely that work on any permanent flood defences would be completed until 2020.


Two flood fairs had been held in the Borough since the last meeting of the Forum. These had been well attended and provided a valuable and effective way of informing residents how to protect their homes.  Funding was available to residents and businesses affected by flooding and so far 34 applications had been approved for the ‘Repair and Renewal’ grant.   100 properties remained uninhabited and the Borough Council remained in close contact with those homeowners and arrangements were in place to assist those residents.


The Right Honourable Greg Clark MP had visited local areas affected by flooding in his role as the Flood Envoy for Kent. 


Members were advised that there were sufficient volunteers to establish Flood Warden Schemes in East Peckham and Hildenborough, although further volunteers were required for Tonbridge.  Training would be provided by Kent County Council,  the EA and Kent Fire and Rescue Services.


Finally, the EA reported that the flood warning area was to be expanded to include Hildenborough and be bespoke to Tonbridge.  The Chairman referred to the difficulties experienced previously by local councillors in trying to find relevant information for neighbouring wards not in their post code area. 


The Forum expressed concern regarding sewage and whether pumping station equipment required further improvements and whether ditches and drains alongside roads would be cleared before winter.   In response, it was reported that the agencies responsible for both these concerns (Southern Water and Kent County Council Highways) were members of the Multi-agency Technical Group where these issues would be addressed.


Kent Police confirmed that there had been no further incidents of theft from affected properties and advised that the County Council had responded positively regarding reinstating night time street lighting during that period.


The Chief Executive assured Members that a huge amount of work was ongoing and whilst it was difficult to outline everything that was being done during this period of flood recovery it was a top priority for the Borough Council and partner agencies.