Agenda item

Notice of Motion submitted pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 5.27

To receive a Notice of Motion in respect of the time limited increase to the basic rate of Universal Credit announced as part of the coronavirus pandemic measures submitted by Councillor F Hoskins on behalf of the Tonbridge and Malling Liberal Democrats.


Consideration was given to a Notice of Motion pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 5.7 submitted by Councillor F Hoskins and seconded by Councillor D Thornewell on behalf of the Tonbridge and Malling Liberal Democrat Group in the following terms:


This council notes:


Next April the government plans to cut the benefit level for millions of claimants by ending the time limited increase to the basic rate of Universal Credit (and the tax credit equivalent) announced by the Chancellor on 20th March as part of his pandemic response package.


The recent vote in parliament will have no effect as the conservatives were whipped to abstain.


The £20 a week boost reflected the reality that the level of benefits were not adequate to protect the swiftly increasing number of households relying on them as the crisis hit. Exactly because that increase was a very significant and welcome move to bolster low- and middle-income families' living standards, its removal will be a huge loss.


Pressing ahead would see the level of unemployment support fall to its lowest real-terms level since 1990-91, and it’s lowest ever relative to average earnings. Indeed, the basic level of out-of-work support prior to the March boost was – at £73 a week (£3,800 a year) – less than half the absolute poverty line.


The increase in benefits has had a positive effect on the lives of thousands of local claimants who are better able to pay for life’s essentials such as food, clothing and utilities.


The local economy has also benefited from the increase in benefit levels as claimants spend their money locally thereby supporting local businesses and jobs.


This council calls on the Leader to:


-        Write to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak and to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson demanding that the £20 increase to Universal Credit is made permanent and extended to claimants on legacy benefits.


-        Work with other local government organisations to form a coalition to pressure the government to make the £20 increase to Universal Credit permanent.


A number of amendments to the motion were proposed as set out below:


(1)             It was proposed by Councillor N Heslop and seconded by Councillor D Lettington that the motion be amended to read as follows:


This Council:


-        recognises that the Government’s comprehensive £280 billion response to the pandemic has included £6billion in welfare support, specifically designed to help low-income families, including increasing Universal Credit and Working Tax Credits by £1,000 for 12 months until the end of March 2021;


-        notes that this is just one of a range of measures the Government has taken to support vulnerable families, and further notes that the Government’s response has reduced the scale of losses for the poorest working households by up to two-thirds;


-        acknowledges latest media reports that the Chancellor is preparing to announce a temporary extension of the £20-a-week uplift in universal credit at the budget, and awaits details of the budget statement before making any representations to our two MPs.


Upon receipt of the necessary requisition under Council Procedure Rule 8.4 voting on the amendment was recorded as follows:


Members voting for the proposed amendment to the motion:


Councillors Anderson, Base, Bates, Betts, Botten, Boughton, Branson, Cannon, Coffin, Cooper, Dalton, Davis D, Davis M, Foyle, Heslop, Hudson, Keeley, Keers, Kemp, Kennedy, King D, King K, Lark, Lettington D, Lettington R, Luker, Montague, Rhodes, Rogers, Sergison, Tanner, Thomas, Tombolis and Williams.


Total = 34


Members voting against the proposed amendment to the motion:


Councillors Bishop, Bridge, Clark, Dean, Hickmott, Hood, Hoskins, Oakley, Palmer, Roud, Shaw, Stapleton, Tatton, Taylor and Thornewell.


Total = 15


(Total Members eligible to vote = 49)


RESOLVED:  That the proposed amendment to the motion be agreed.


(2)             It was proposed by Councillor M Taylor and seconded by Councillor D Thornewell that the substantive motion be amended to include the point ‘that Government should be encouraged to permanently retain the £20 uplift in grant support’.


Upon receipt of the necessary requisition under Council Procedure Rule 8.4 voting on the amendment was recorded as follows:


Members voting for the proposed amendment to the substantive motion:


Councillors Bishop, Bridge, Clark, Dean, Hickmott, Hood, Hoskins, Palmer, Shaw, Stapleton, Tatton, Taylor and Thornewell.


Total = 13


Members voting against the proposed amendment to the substantive motion:


Councillors Anderson, Base, Bates, Betts, Botten, Boughton, Branson, Cannon, Coffin, Cooper, Dalton, Davis D, Davis M, Foyle, Heslop, Hudson, Keeley, Keers, Kemp, Kennedy, King D, King K, Lark, Lettington D, Lettington R, Luker, Montague, Rhodes, Rogers, Sergison, Tanner, Thomas, Tombolis and Williams.


Total = 34


Members abstaining:


Councillors Oakley and Roud


Total = 2


(Total Members eligible to vote = 49)


RESOLVED:  That the proposed amendment to the substantive motion be rejected.


Upon receipt of the necessary requisition under Council Procedure Rule 8.4 voting on the substantive motion set out at (1) was recorded as follows:


Members voting for the substantive motion:


Councillors Anderson, Base, Bates, Betts, Botten, Boughton, Branson, Cannon, Coffin, Cooper, Dalton, Davis D, Davis M, Foyle, Heslop, Hudson, Keers, Kemp, Kennedy, King D, King K, Lark, Lettington D, Lettington R, Luker, Montague, Rhodes, Rogers, Sergison, Tanner, Thomas, Tombolis and Williams.


Total = 33


Members voting against the substantive motion:


Councillors Bishop, Bridge, Dean, Hickmott, Hoskins, Keeley, Palmer, Shaw, Stapleton, Tatton, Taylor and Thornewell.


Total = 12


Members abstaining:


Councillors Clark, Hood, Oakley and Roud.


Total = 4


(Total Members eligible to vote = 49)



RESOLVED:  That the Notice of Motion (as amended) set out at (1) be agreed.


(NB. Councillor Bell was unable to vote on this item on the grounds of missing elements of the discussion.)

Supporting documents: