Agenda item

Leader's Announcements


The Leader moved that Rule 5.25(b), Part 4 of the Constitution be suspended for the meeting and proposed that the Opposition Group Leaders be allowed three minutes each in response. 


The Leader commented that it was a privilege to be elected as the new Leader and that he was grateful to his friends and colleagues for their support.  The Leader paid tribute to his predecessor, Councillor Heslop, and stated that there was no doubt that the sheer amount of work that Councillor Heslop had done over such a long period of time had made a difference to thousands of people across the Borough, his influence over the Borough Council would last for decades and his success in attracting investment to the Borough was second to none, with the Panattoni investment at Aylesford Newsprint being the latest in a long list of triumphs that Councillor Heslop could be immensely proud of.  The Council had made huge strides forward in recent years, not least with the purchase of Temporary Accommodation units. 


The Leader stated that on a personal level, he had only known Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council with Councillor Heslop as Leader.  He had been a good friend and always encouraged him to go ahead with some of the projects he wished to pursue, especially locally in Tonbridge.  He had led the Group and the Council through some of the most testing challenges in its history and he firmly believed that the Borough was a better place due to the work Councillor Heslop had done.  The Leader was pleased that Councillor Heslop remained on the Council to share his expertise and experience and help shape the future of the authority even further.  On behalf of those present, he wished to thank Councillor Heslop for his nine years of dedication as Council Leader and as he prepared to step into the role of Leader, he could only try and emulate Councillor Heslop’s achievements.


The Leader announced that under his leadership he would make the changes necessary to better deliver for residents across the borough and that difficult decisions would clearly have to be made, but would be done so with care, compassion, and integrity.  The Leader stated that he wished to remove party politics from decisions and that all ideas and suggestions would be carefully considered and it was his plan to work together to achieve the best for all residents.  He had already invited each Group Leader to meet with himself and the Deputy Leader to discuss their ideas and priorities.


The Leader highlighted that in the next few weeks, the Council would be consulting on a new vision for the Borough.  All residents, businesses and interested parties would be free to respond on how they would like their council tax spent and this would create a vision as part of the Corporate Strategy.


The Leader acknowledged that there were two key challenges facing the Authority in the immediate moment; the Local Plan and the Waste Contract. In respect of the Local Plan, it was clear from the recent recommendation of the Planning and Transportation Advisory Board that there was a degree of consensus on the way this were to be approached.  However, as this is reviewed, brownfield sites would be relooked at as it was his view that future development needed to be placed here, before greenbelt and greenfield sites were considered.  Recycling collections had recommenced, but the problems were far from over. 


It was the Leader’s view that there was a need to reset the Council’s relationship with Parish Councils and community groups and he had asked that recommendations to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be tabled at the earliest opportunity for an overhaul of the way that Parish Partnership Panel and Tonbridge Forum were structured and that he would contact all Parishes and Community Groups to seek their input into these reforms.   


In conclusion, the Leader stated that he was humbled to have been elected as Leader of the Council and would do his best to deliver what the residents wanted.  The challenges facing the authority were great but there were also exciting opportunities ahead.  It was his intention to deal with the difficult decisions fairly and grasp any opportunity available that would enhance the lives of those living and working in the borough and work with officers and Members of all parties to deliver for residents.


The full Leaders announcement can be viewed via YouTube at  Leader's Announcements

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