Agenda item

TM/19/00014/OAEA - Land North of Lower Haysden Lane, Tonbridge

Outline Application: construction of up to 125 new homes, the formation of new means of access onto Lower Haysden Lane, new pedestrian and cycle links (including links to the existing playing fields and Country Park to the west), the laying out of open space, new strategic landscaping, habitat creation, drainage features and associated ground works and infrastructure.


Outline Application: construction of up to 125 new homes, the formation of new  means of access onto Lower Haysden Lane, new pedestrian and cycle links  (including links to the existing playing fields and Country Park to the west), the laying out of open space, new strategic landscaping, habitat creation, drainage features and associated ground works and infrastructure at Land North Of Lower Haysden Lane Tonbridge Kent.


The item was withdrawn from the agenda.


Supporting documents: