Construction of a single detached dwelling with associated parking and erection of an ancillary garden building at 105 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge.
Construction of a single detached dwelling with associated parking and erection of an ancillary garden building at 105 Hadlow Road, Tonbridge.
RESOLVED: That planning permission be GRANTED in accordance with the submitted details, conditions, reasons and informatives as set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health, subject to
(1) Amended Condition:
4. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved a scheme of hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning authority. The scheme shall include full details of all soft planting across the site and details of hardscaping materials, parking layouts and levels throughout the front curtilage. All planting, seeding and turfing comprised in the approved scheme of landscaping shall be implemented during the first planting season following occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the earlier. Any trees or shrubs removed, dying, being seriously damaged or diseased within 10 years of planting shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees or shrubs of similar size and species. Any boundary fences or walls or similar structures as may be approved shall be erected before first occupation of the building to which they relate.
Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to ensure adequate parking arrangements are provided.
(2) Additional Condition:
9.Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, arrangements for the management of all construction works shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The management arrangements to be submitted shall include (but not necessarily be limited to) the following:
· The days of the week and hours of the day when the construction works will be limited to and measures to ensure these are adhered to;
· Procedures for managing all traffic movements associated with the construction works including (but not limited to) the delivery of building materials to the site (including the times of the day when those deliveries will be permitted to take place and how/where materials will be offloaded into the site) and for the management of all other construction related traffic and measures to ensure these are adhered to; and
· The specific arrangements for the parking of contractor's vehicles within or around the site during construction and any external storage of materials or plant throughout the construction phase.
· Specific arrangements for the provision of wheel washing facilities for contractor's vehicles within the site to ensure mud is not deposited on the public highway
The development shall be undertaken in full compliance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of residential amenity and highway safety in accordance with policy CP24 of the Tonbridge and Malling Borough Core Strategy 2007
(3) Additional Informative:
3.The applicant is reminded that the approved outbuilding to be constructed in the garden of the new dwelling must only be used for a purpose ordinarily incidental to the enjoyment of that dwellinghouse. The use of the building as a separate unit of residential accommodation or for a trade or business purpose such that a material change of use occurs would require planning permission.
[Speaker: Due to technical difficulties a written statement was read out on behalf of Iwan Jones (agent)]
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