The Kent County Council Community Engagement Manager reported that the County Council were on track to deliver this year’s saving target of £81m on top of savings of £269m achieved over the last three years. However, there were indications from Government that the squeeze on local government finance would continue until at least 2018 which was a significant challenge.
Due to reduced levels of Government funding and the spending demands on services additional savings from the budget would be required and it was likely that a further £260m during the next three years would be needed.
As part of the budget setting process a full public consultation had been launched to give residents the opportunity to comment on how the savings could be achieved. More information and links to the questions could be found at:
The consultation closed on 28 November 2014 and any responses would be considered before the budget was set in 2015.
It was also reported that Kent County Council opposed a second runway at Gatwick airport and this issue was to be discussed by Cabinet in the near future.
Members referred to the recent consultation on Community Wardens and expressed disappointment at the perceived lack of consideration given to the responses submitted. In response, the County Council Member for Malling North advised that feedback was extremely valuable and all views were taken into account. With regard to Community Wardens there might be opportunities for volunteers to assist wardens and/or different ways of working.
Particular reference was made to the Kent Emotional Well-being Strategy for Children and Young People Consultation which was open until 5 January 2015. Further information was available on: http://consultations.kent.gov.uk/consult.ti/EWStrategy/consultationHome
The Chief Executive of Tonbridge and Malling took the opportunity to update Members on the position regarding flooding measures within the Borough.
Tonbridge and Malling continued to work closely with the EA, Kent County Council, Southern Water, Kent Police and Kent Fire and Rescue Services to ensure flood protection and emergency planning measures were as robust as possible. It was noted that 30 properties still remained uninhabited since the flooding over Christmas and New Year.
East Peckham, Hildenborough and Tonbridge town centre had flood warden schemes strengthened or established and there was an ongoing relationship with Aylesford Flood Committee.
Members were reminded that capacity for the Leigh Flood Storage Area had implications for the whole borough and preparatory work was in hand to increase this sometime around 2020. There had been a £100k funding contribution from the Borough Council towards a design of a possible scheme, although the overall cost to increase capacity by 60% was estimated at £11-12m. It was hoped that funding for flood measures would be announced as part of the Autumn Budget Statement on Wednesday 3 December 2014.
In addition, the Leigh Flood Storage Area scheme had been promoted for Local Enterprise Partnership Funding but the outcome would not be known until January. However, it was possible that a funding shortfall would still remain.
The Borough had received flood defence funding from DEFRA with £200k for Hildenborough for protection measures and improvement schemes were currently being designed. East Peckham had also received funding to protect residents.
Finally, a technical newsletter from a multi-agency working group, which outlined all the latest developments, would be attached to the Minutes for information.
Any parishes requiring assistance on emergency planning for floods could contact the Chief Engineer (M O’Brien). It was also suggested that Hadlow Parish Council be contacted and asked to share their emergency planning template as this was an example of good practice.
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