Agenda item

TM/21/02298/FL - Tonbridge PRS, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge

Demolition of existing gasholders and associated structures. Redevelopment of the site to provide 144 residential units and up to 567 sqm of flexible Class E/ancillary residential floorspace. The proposals include the delivery of landscaping and public realm, play space, access, car parking and other associated and ancillary works at Tonbridge PRS, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge


Demolition of existing gasholders and associated structures. Redevelopment of the site to provide 144 residential units and up to 567 sqm of flexible Class E/ancillary residential floorspace. The proposals include the delivery of landscaping and public realm, play space, access, car parking and other associated and ancillary works at

Tonbridge P R S, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge.  


RESOLVED:  That planning permission be GRANTED subject to


(1)           the applicant entering into a S106 agreement to make financial contributions and secure a late-stage review mechanism as set out in paragraph 5.137 of the report;


(2)           the details, conditions, reasons and informatives set out in the report of the Director of Planning, Housing and Environmental Health; subject to the


(3)           Amendment to submitted details in the recommendation as follows:-


Management Plan  Construction  dated 07.10.2021, Landscaping  15772-VL_L02C  dated 20.08.2021, Location Plan  15772-100 A dated 20.08.2021, Letter  Covering  dated 31.08.2021, Energy Statement  dated 20.08.2021, Report  Arboricultural  dated 20.08.2021, Assessment  Daylight and sunlight  dated 20.08.2021, Other  Daylight and Sunlight Assessment Appendix A2 and A3  dated 20.08.2021, Design and Access Statement  Sect 1-7  dated 20.08.2021, Assessment  Odour A dated 20.08.2021, Noise Assessment    dated 20.08.2021, Statement  Heritage  dated 20.08.2021, Statement  Community Involvement  dated 20.08.2021, Sustainability Report  dated 20.08.2021, Flood Risk Assessment  and Drainage Strategy  dated 20.08.2021, Assessment  Detailed Quantative Risk Assessment for Controlled Waters  dated 20.08.2021, Arboricultural Assessment  TCP/4323/Y/100  dated 20.08.2021, Planning Layout  ARB/4323/Y/200  dated 20.08.2021, Tree Protection Plan  TPP/4323/Y/300  dated 20.08.2021, Proposed Plans  15772 - SK16  dated 05.05.2022, Other  TECHNICAL DESIGN NOTE  dated 05.05.2022, Existing Plans  15772 - SK14  dated 05.05.2022, Proposed Plans  15772 - SK15  dated 05.05.2022, Other  20176 - SK20220421.1  dated 05.05.2022, Other  20176-SK20220421.2  dated 05.05.2022, Site Layout  15772-102F  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-103E  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-104E  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-105E  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-106E  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-107C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-108C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-109C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Floor Plans  15772-110C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-111D  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-112C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-113C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-114C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-115C  dated 13.10.2022, Proposed Elevations  15772-116C  dated 13.10.2022, Landscaping  15772-VL_L01H  dated 31.08.2022, Other  15772 - TR008-B Swept Path Analysis Fire dated 31.08.2022, Sections  15772-117C  dated 10.06.2022, Sections  15772-118B Historic Society dated 10.06.2022, Other  Supplier Price Update  dated 05.01.2022, Assessment  FVA Aligned to Review  dated 05.01.2022, Report  Viability Response  dated 05.01.2022, Other  Design Intent Movable Planters dated 21.12.2021, Assessment  FVA Policy Compliant Emerging 25% AH  dated 30.11.2021, Other  Technical design note  dated 11.03.2022, Assessment  FVA Policy Compliant Current 40% AH  dated 30.11.2021, Assessment  FVA Reduced Contributions 0% AH  dated 30.11.2021, Other  Technical design note  dated 24.01.2022, Email  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH  dated 28.01.2022, Other  Technical note-odour  dated 24.01.2022, Statement  Fire 1C dated 26.08.2022, Report  viability  dated 27.08.2022, Remediation Strategy  verification plan  dated 27.07.2021, Ground Investigation Report    dated 16.07.2021, Statement  Planning  dated 01.08.2021, Transport Assessment    dated 22.07.2021, Travel Plan    dated 01.07.2021, Ecological Assessment    dated 01.08.2021, Existing Site Plan 15772-101A dated 23.7.21, Schedule  Updated - Accommodation schedule November 2022  dated 21.11.2022, Schedule  Updated - Drawing/document schedule November 2022  dated 21.11.2022.


(4)             Amended Condition 5:


The development shall not be brought into use until an updated Travel Plan to that hereby approved, to reduce dependency on the private car, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The updated Travel Plan shall include objectives and modal-split targets, a programme of implementation and provision for monitoring, review and improvement, details of allocation and control of the parking spaces hereby permitted, and details of the car club scheme. Thereafter, the Travel Plan shall be put into action and adhered to throughout the life of the development, or that of the Travel Plan itself, whichever is the shorter. Monitoring fee of £948.


Reason: In the interests of promoting sustainable transport


(5)           Amended Condition 7:


No development, other than the demolition of any buildings, removal of hardstanding, ground investigations, remediation works or site survey works, shall     be carried out until details of the proposed car charging points have been submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The charging points shall be          installed prior to the first occupation of the development, and thereafter maintained        and retained in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To encourage the use of electric vehicles in the interests of mitigating climate change in accordance with national objectives.


(6)             Amended Condition 17:


The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk      assessment (ref 18156-HYD-XX-XX-RP-FR-0001 P03 | 05/11/2021 | Hydrock), in     addition to the latest design technical note (ref 18156-HYD-XX-XX-TN-FR-0007          P03 | dated 17 May 2022 | Hydrock) and the following mitigation measures they       detail:


1.     Finished floor levels shall be set no lower than 23.18 metres above Ordnance Datum (AOD) for residential accommodation. It is noted the lower ground floor level is to be 22.00mAOD.

2.     Plant rooms to be set at a level no lower than 22.58m AOD which is the 1 in 100 year plus 35% Climate Change modelled level.

3.     The external and finished floor levels will be as proposed in the DWG ref 15772-102 Rev F, by the Harris Partnership dated 12.05.2022

4.     A Flood Evacuation Management Plan to include advice for future occupants/residents to sign up to the EA flood warning service.


These mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and subsequently in accordance with the scheme’s timing/phasing arrangements.      The measures detailed above shall be retained and maintained thereafter       throughout the lifetime of the development.  


            Reason:  To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants and to prevent flooding elsewhere by ensuring that compensatory storage of flood water is provided.


(7)           Amended Condition 20:


Prior to the construction of the development frontage to the River Medway (referred to as Block A on DWG No 15772-111 Rev D dated 09.06.22) full details regarding the structural integrity and condition of the flood defence river wall engineered high ground and a plan of works will be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). This may include the below:


·        A full structural investigation of integrity and assessment of condition of the flood defences. This includes all elements of the flood defence, such as the landward face, buried elements and any outfalls crossing it.

·        Estimation of the residual life of the flood defence frontage at this site and how this interacts with the lifetime of the new development.

·        Consideration to incorporate an enhanced frontage into the development, thereby securing its long-term structural integrity and maintenance, as well as improving its visual, ecological and amenity value.

·        The findings of the above will inform options for a plan of flood defence replacement and maintenance.

·        The plan as approved to be fully implemented.


Reason: To ensure a fit for purpose flood defence will keep the development safe from flooding for its lifetime of 100yrs in line with NPPF.


(8)           Amended Condition 31:


Prior to the commencement of development, a dimensional and photographic record of the gasholders in situ shall be produced and submitted to the Local Planning Authority and Tonbridge Historical Society.  The identification plates for GH1 and GH2 shall be passed to the Tonbridge Historical Society for future preservation.


            Reason:          In the interests of recording the historical importance of the site within the local area. 


(9)             Addition of conditions


32. No development shall commence above slab level until details of flood mitigation measures to protect:


a)     plant and services and;

b)     8 residential units located on the ground floor of the development hereby approved,  have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  


Reason:           To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants. 


33. No external lighting shall be installed in connection with the development hereby approved until such details have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance with those details and maintained and retained at all times thereafter.


            Reason:  In the interests of visual and residential amenity. 


(10)       Amended Informative 8:


It is noted from the 'Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy' (Hydrock, ref 18156-HYD-XX-XX-RP-FR-0001 Rev. P03, November 2021) that no infiltration to          ground is proposed, and that surface water will be discharged to the local      watercourses.


(11)        Removal of Informative 35:


It is requested that following demolition of the gasholders the identification plates for GH1 and GH2 are passed to the Tonbridge Historical Society for future preservation.  (now part of Condition 31).


[Speakers: Tonbridge Historical Society (Mr David Phillips) and Mr Paul Galgey (agent)] 


Supporting documents: