Agenda item

Household Recycling and Waste Service

The report outlines opportunities to maintain and improve service provision in relation to the Council’s Waste Services Collection Contract, which is provided in Partnership with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. The report advises on a proposed extension to previously agreed support for a further 5 month period in relation to the recent and ongoing impacts of HGV market conditions and support for a proposed Phase 2 of re-rounding.


Members of the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee also considered the proposals at a meeting on the 8 February 2023.  The recommendations of the Committee or any observations will either be circulated in advance of the meeting of Cabinet or a verbal update will be provided at the meeting.


Opportunities to maintain and improve service provision in relation to the Waste Services Collection Contract, which was provided in partnership with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, were outlined.  The report advised on a proposed extension to previously agreed support for a further 5 month period in relation to the recent and ongoing impacts of the HGV market conditions and support for a proposed Phase 2 of re-rounding. 


It was noted that a response was awaited from the contractor regarding their financial arrangements and any potential implications for the Borough Council arising from the proposed re-rounding and service efficiencies as requested by the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee.  It was also noted that any sums raised by penalty default were relatively low and had to be used in service performance and were dealt with as part of monthly variables with the contractor.  The proposed spend detailed in the report was an one off cost and would not impact on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


After careful consideration of the proposals, the recommendations of the Communities and Environment Scrutiny Select Committee, the legal, financial and value for money implications and the assessments of risk and equality impact and on the grounds of ensuring the retention of necessary staff in light of continuing difficulties in the HGV driver market and bringing about long-term cost certainty and efficiency Cabinet




(1)             Council gave authority to the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services to extend, for the period November 2022 to March 2023, the provision of limited financial assistance to Urbaser Ltd and Urbaser SA in respect of the contract originally procured and that the value of this (£77,000) be reflected in the Revised Estimates for 2022/23 and funded from the Budget Stabilisation Reserve;


(2)             Council approved a one-off contribution to Urbaser Ltd of up to £150,000 towards the costs of terminating a number of existing collection vehicle leases to facilitate the provision of a new fleet of collection vehicles in 2023/24 and that the value of this be reflected in the Estimates for 2023/24 and funded from the Budget Stabilisation Reserve;


(3)             Council gave authority to the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services, in consultation with Director of Finance and Transformation and Director of Central Services, to complete all necessary negotiations, legal processes and legal documentation to enter into an agreement with Urbaser Ltd to allow for the transfer of the new vehicle lease(s) to the Council in conjunction with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council or to the organisation(s) contracted to provide the two councils’ household waste collection service on the expiry of the current joint recycling and waste collection and street cleansing contract;


(4)             Council gave authority to the Director of Street Scene, Leisure and Technical Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Transformation and the Director of Central Services, to complete all necessary negotiations, legal processes and legal documentation and enter into an agreement with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to share the liability for the new vehicle fleet from the end of the current joint recycling and waste collection and street cleansing contract; and


(5)             Council notes that a Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency Notice be published containing details of the proposed changes set out in recommendations 1,2 and 3 to cover the items highlighted above.


*Referred to Council

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