Agenda item

Kent Street Junction Improvement Update

The report summarises the public consultation that has been undertaken on the proposed Kent Street/Malling Road highway improvements and recommended next steps.


The report of Kent County Council Highways and Transportation summarised the public consultation that had been undertaken on the proposed Kent Street/Malling Road highway improvements and recommended next steps. 


Options had been presented to the Joint Transportation Board in March 2021, with the recommendation to progress to designs on a scheme that would give the most amount of improvement.  Subsequently, various schemes had been investigated with the main aim to provide better visibility at the junction and proposals were consulted upon.  The full consultation report and plans were attached at Appendix A to the report.  If the proposal were to be supported as a whole or amended, there would be insufficient funding, however if an alternative option to amend the scheme by reducing the cycle facility but providing a footway between Kent Street and Beech Road were to be supported, this would reduce the costs and bring it in line with the existing available budget along with reduced land requirements. 


During discussion, Members recognised that there was an urgent need to improve visibility at the junction and enhance safety and conditions for local residents, pedestrians and cyclists. 


RECOMMENDED: That Kent County Council proceed to detailed design and construction, with an amendment to the scheme of removing the cycle facility but providing a footpath between Kent Street and Beech Road.

Supporting documents: