Following the Council’s successful applications for grant funding relating to several decarbonising and energy efficiency projects, this report brings forward several projects under the existing List A capital plan scheme ‘Decarbonising the Council’s Estate’ to enable the Council to progress those projects, as well as projects being funded directly by the Council, to help deliver our Climate Change Strategy.
Consideration was given to an updated ‘Decarbonising the Council’s Estate’ List A Capital Plan scheme to cover all of the projects as outlined in the report, including a number of decarbonising and energy efficiency projects for which grant funding applications had been successful and several other projects being funded directly by the Borough Council, with a view to supporting delivery of the Climate Change Strategy.
Members welcomed the positive outcomes in relation to the external grant awards, details of which were set out in 1.2 of the report. In addition to the projects for which external funding had been obtained, a number of other projects which were either linked to those or had already received approval by the Council utilising its own funding were set out in 1.3 of the report.
It was noted that the capital plan scheme ‘Decarbonising the Council’s Estate (P06AM)’ was previously approved based on an estimate of an external funding of £800,000 and a Council contribution of £430,000, which figures now required updating following confirmation of the grant awards. A revised set of allocations to individual projects to be covered by the updated capital scheme were suggested in 1.4.3 of the report, with a total of £930,000 from TMBC funding and £1,644,799 from external grant funding.
Individual project evaluations for the new schemes were attached at Annexes 1 to 3 for information.
Although slight concern was expressed over the uncertainty around the noise level of the air source heat pumps to be installed at the Larkfield Leisure Centre, Members were assured that the level of noise would be taken into account as part of the planning process with due consideration given to mitigation measures if necessary.
In addition, particular reference was made to 1.6 of the report where the proposed procurement routes for the projects were set out and duly considered by Members.
RESOLVED: That quotations and tenders in respect of the following decarbonising and energy efficiency projects be sought and procurement routes be approved as required by paragraph 8.1 of the Borough Council’s Contract Procedure Rules, including the use of frameworks where appropriate, as set out below and detailed in 1.6 of the report:
(1) in respect of the re-felt work at Larkfield Leisure Centre, the LHC RS4 Roofing Systems Framework be utilised;
(2) in respect of the installation of solar PV at Larkfield Leisure Centre, the Laser Consult, Design, Install Framework be utilised; and
(3) in respect of the installation of air source heat pumps at Larkfield Leisure Centre, an open tender exercise be undertaken.
(Agreed by Cabinet under Decision Notice D240070CAB.)
(1) the List A capital plan scheme ‘Decarbonising the Council’s Estate’ be updated to include all of the projects as outlined in the report;
(2) a revised figure of £1,644,799 attributable to external grant funding, be reflected in the updated Capital Plan Scheme; and
(3) an increased contribution of £500,000 by the Borough Council to the Capital Plan Scheme, with £225,000 being funded from the Revenue Reserve for Capital Schemes and £275,000 being funded from the Climate Change Reserve, be approved.
*Recommended to Council
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