Agenda item

Capital Works - Car Parks

The report outlines a number of capital work schemes related to car parks.


Consideration was given to progressing a number of fast-track capital plan schemes to allow the implementation of the decisions taken by Cabinet on 30 April 2024 in respect of the new parking proposals throughout the borough.


The three schemes which were required to be transferred from List C to List A of the Capital Plan to enable the introduction of the new parking charges were as set out as follows:


·         Bailey Bridge East Car Park Improvements, Aylesford;

·         Introduction of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR); and

·         Parking Amendments to Car Parks and On-Street Parking.


It was noted that a fast track capital plan evaluation had been completed for each of the above schemes, as set out in Annexes 1, 2 and 3, and a more detailed project plan would be put together for each of the schemes to set out their respective milestones and timetables in due course.


Particular reference was made to implications for the blue badge holders following the implementation of ANPR enforcement and, in response to questions received and further clarification on the limitation of the technology, the Cabinet Member for Transformation and Infrastructure confirmed that arrangements would be made to enable residents with a blue badge to register their car for free parking in the car parks where ANPR would be introduced to provide access convenience to disabled vehicle users.  This was supported by the Cabinet and other Members.


In addition, the benefits of introducing ANPR technology which supported both RingGo and cash payment methods and reflected charge based on actual length of stay were acknowledged.  Contactless payment would continue to be investigated, although the challenge around internet connection requirement of the contactless payment machines was recognised.


In response to questions raised by Members on targets set for the schemes to enable measurement of success following implementation, it was explained that these would be set out in the detailed project plans, which would be subject to a post implementation review in 12 months’ time to assess the impact of the schemes.


Due regard was given to the policy, financial and value for money considerations and the legal implications and the necessity to fast track the capital plan schemes to enable the implementation of the decisions within the financial year was acknowledged.




(1)          the three fast track capital schemes, shown in Annexes 1, 2 & 3, be transferred to List A of the capital planning this financial year to enable the introduction of new parking charges, subject to an amendment in respect of the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) scheme (attached at Annex 2) to reflect that arrangements would be made to enable residents with a blue badge to register to park free of charge at the car parks where ANPR enforcement would be implemented;


(2)          capital funding of £530,000 for the capital works be met from the revenue reserve from capital schemes;


(3)          authority be granted to the Director of Central Services/Deputy Chief Executive to submit a planning application for the scheme in the Bailey Bridge East car park, Aylesford; and


(4)          revenue funding of £15,000 be included in the revised revenue estimates to appoint external consultants to assist in the design of the schemes.


*Recommended to Council

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